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Tiger B Wood

Help B become a professional golfer Where B will do 6 shots. B can get down with auto pilot momentum when taped the stair. push B with the rotor to move the ball

Tiger B Wood
BangTe, Apr 15, 2020
delator77 and Ray Aznable like this.
    • BangTe
      The 4th and 5th shots will be very difficult
      So that is requiring precision
    • Ray Aznable
      mr. @Meko Guy
      already made up all the levels for the rest of 2020 in a month at december 19.

      what about u? @BangTe
      due to corvid 19, now u are spend hours everyday making level?
      BangTe likes this.
    • Rating:
      Ray Aznable
      new variation of golf gameplay type.
      requiring B must always stand behind the ball, in order to extend the lenght of the pusher.

      nice one.
      BangTe likes this.
    • Meko Guy
      @BangTe - You said 'No trick required' but how does B get down? I can see a ToA and momentum auto pilot....
    • BangTe
      @Ray Aznable
      You said what about me?

      I have many levels that I haven't developed because of limited time.

      I just used the opportunity.
      But Now is the right time to do that ...

      Because if at normal time maybe I will join the forum 3 times a week
    • BangTe
      @Meko Guy
      You mean in 5th shot right
      If that right
      Use the rotor to get down

      You said Auto pilot momentum
      Is that a trick?
    • Meko Guy
    • BangTe
    • Rating:
      Meko Guy
      My fourth shot missed three times so I tried something different and it worked but the next ball was where I dropped a star. How hard is the push? Is there a recovery point? No. After 3 more restarts, the ball landed right but it was a terrible shot and I got lucky. Too bad you made those two balls which were not the first ones so hard and needing to restart each time the ball was off.
      BangTe likes this.
    • BangTe
      Sorry about that @Meko Guy
      I accidentally deleted the recovery ladder. Previously there really was

      I just made it difficult for B to become a Professional:D

      Thanks fo play :D
    • Meko Guy
      @BangTe - The recovery point would have been hard to have as the ball isn't coming back to the wedge the way you had it designed. Recovery B wasn't the problem.
      BangTe likes this.
    • Rating:
      Different & original & FUN "golf" level! Thanks for sharing @BangTe ;)
    • BangTe
      I was bored because I didn't get inspiration today to complete some of my concepts
      And I hesitate to post anything else

      So I chose this one
      Thanks for play, comment and rating
    • Rating:
      Ahnaf ZX
      Great design and B journey too. thx 4 sharing @BangTe
      BangTe likes this.
    • Rating:
      Interesting design. Pushing the ball for the fifth time is quite tricky.
      BangTe likes this.
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