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Tough Bridges

Hope u enjoy this. No tricks is required, and try not to drag the draggable thing to the finish box.

Tough Bridges
Smiley, Feb 16, 2020
delator77 and nGord like this.
    • Rating:
      Nice level.
    • Smiley
      @GFJ Thank u for ur support
    • Meko Guy
      Big shortcut here too since you gave me a free draggable. We recommend to always anchor free draggables so this shortcut can't happen.
    • Rating:
      I think the free draggable has to be free for the puzzle to work. I enjoyed trying to get it where I needed it, :thumbsup::D. I am not good at steering free draggables so I found it quite tricky, but it made for a fun puzzle.
    • Smiley
      @Meko Guy
      Haha, wow.
      I actually thought about that problem before and tried to built some protections around the finish box. But then, I decided to got rid of those because they make the level appearance looks worse ( or at least that’s what I thought :p ) and block the player view. Besides, I thought it would be quite impossible to drag the hole thing up to the finish box, so the protections weren’t there.
      Thank u for pointing out =_=
    • Rating:
      I like this FD(Free Draggable) challenge,I think its well contextualized...Thanks for sharing @Smiley ;)
      Smiley likes this.
    • EL797
      I can't view @Meko Guy's video but I also used the FD to win.
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    No Tricks Required
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