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Compact Complex (v0.1)

I’ve found a huge shortcut in my last version of this, and I want to get rid of that, so there we have this. Hope you enjoy. Also, NO tricks is required here.

Compact Complex (v0.1)
Smiley, Feb 16, 2020
    • Meko Guy
      I made some changes but you didn't fix the ball drift... A wedge will hold the ball in place but you'll need to raise the level and MekoStudio can raise the level in one step for you. MekoStudio can be found at MekiStudtio.com - See video.
      Smiley likes this.
    • Smiley
      Thanks. I will think about fixing that
    • Rating:
      I thought that B was supposed to travel to the win over the two high horizontal sliders but the problem was that the ball in the corner rolled back. However, two autopilots solved the problem. This is probably a shortcut.
      Smiley likes this.
    • Smiley
      @GFJ Did those 2 autopilots u mentioned create the shortcut?
    • GFJ
      @Smiley Yes, I would say that in particular the second autopilot created the shortcut.
      The second autopilot takes B up closely to the win.
    • Smiley
      @GFJ Well, glad that I’ve mentioned that tricks are not required in the level.
      But anyway, thank u for showing me. :)
    • Rating:
      I don't know the use of that ball so I used @GFJ's way to win. Thanks for sharing. ;)
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    No Tricks Required
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    Feb 16, 2020
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