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Clockwork Kitty

Pet the kitty's forehead

Clockwork Kitty
Lali, Nov 27, 2023
delator77 likes this.
    • Lali
      This level is a mix and match of things i wanted to do on a level.
      Fortune Cat, Gears, Bot flying of spinner

      It's an easy, patience testing, timing level with no tricks.
      1. Avoid paw zapper
      2. Touch lever with grass and climb on top of it.
      3. Lift kitty's tail out of the way
      4. Repeat step 2 but on the opposite direction
      5. Walk through the gears with out getting zapped
      6. Trap R bot with up and down slider stairs
      7. Push ball
      8. Repeat step 5
      9. Release R bot
      10. Use slider stairs to get to highest slider
      11. Pet the kitty's forehead
    • Rating:
      Liked the design & the timing gameplay... thank you for sharing @Lali ;)
      Lali likes this.
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      Wow! It wasn't easy! Cool idea! And you did a very good calculation for the gears! This is calculated very exactly correctly - no more, no less.:thumbsup: I think you tested these gears well and it turned out great - exactly what you need!
      From me 5. Thank you;)
      Lali likes this.
    • Lali
      @Denis Nazin Thank you, yeah, I had to try a few different layouts and placements for the gears, mostly because i wanted R to fall specifically on the grass, and nowhere else.
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  • Category:
    Kid Stuff
    Uploaded By:
    Nov 27, 2023
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    timing patience no tricks gears kitty

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