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City Trouble

B and his two R friends need your help in the city!

City Trouble
Link, Jun 7, 2021
    • Link
      Bot mounting B and Bot falling (dismounting) off Bot

      Before R knocks down the ball on the draggable pillar, use Pillar R, B, and the draggable pillar for support so It doesn't fall off, and R can walk safely on it.

      B is a bit wobbly while walking, so watch your steps!

      Have a question or a shortcut? Please comment about it, and I can look at it!

      Have Fun!
    • Rating:
      Pratik Bhalerao
      Good one!

      I didn't used horizontal Pillar to fall off R from B's head, instead I moved B when R (after pushing last Ball) is about to step on him.
      R fell down and walked towards Stair case.

      Handling pR was a challenge.
      As he keeps turning, when he walks on Slider, R used to fall down 20% of times.
      So I kept holding Slider and freezed pR at Grass.
      When R faced opposite side (on pR's head), I unfreezed pR.
      This is how I managed that part.

      Remaining was nice logic.
      I thought R could get on Slider without last ball. But I was wrong.

      Shortcut is possible.
      Only extremely skilled and timing-lover can do it.
      (See Sample Card)
      I tried it but that's not my cup of tea.

      Link likes this.
    • Rating:
      I enjoy this level. The uses of two balls are not easy to figure out for me. Really nice. Thanks for sharing @Link
      I didn't face problem when handling Pillar R. My Pillar R just need to carry R to the other side.
      Link likes this.
    • Link
      @Pratik Bhalerao I see your shortcut, but where exactly would you use the "R Timing" to win the level faster?
    • mastersifu
      @Link If I were correct, what @Pratik Bhalerao means is
      First, let R miss B's pillar and fall. Then, herd R to the slider that leads to the downward stairs there. As R approaches the hole right before the win, B pushed the ball there. And the timing is so so so perfect that R will step over the hole without a second ball and goes straight to the win.
      Link likes this.
    • Link
      @mastersifu ok, but there is a very low chance that would actually happen ;)
    • mastersifu
      @Link yes
      exactly what @Pratik Bhalerao said
    • Link
    • Pratik Bhalerao

      With the possible shortcut I mentioned earlier,
      that R Timing would be used at end.

      When Ball comes across R, he assumed as same floor and went to step on it.

      And while fallin in the hole; on the Ball, he counts one floor ahead, so that he try to walk on Grass again. This is how R can be managed pass that 2 Ball gap path with just one.
      Link likes this.
    • Link
    • Pratik Bhalerao

      Thanks to you.
      With that idea of Possible Shortcut, I have created a timing level.
    • Rating:
      Meko Guy
      I was going to drop another star as this whole level requires the opening move of R walking over B to work. On my first attempt, R needed walk over and I seen no way to proceed. Restarted and R walked across :eek:. If you would have had a place for R to get off B onto the strip where the draggable ball was then okay but you didn't. Aside from that the level was obscure and therefore hard to see.
      Link likes this.
    • Link
      @Meko Guy I don't get what you mean? Please provide an image or some sort
      Sammy 5 likes this.
    • Rating:
      Sammy 5
      Clean and lovely gameplay where everyone has a purpose! Very much enjoyed this level :cool:
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