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Cascade Mountain

Watch the ball sequence!

Cascade Mountain
MScript, Apr 14, 2019
    • gmacpro
      Your mechanisms are not working.... B dropped the 1st ball and then the 2nd (closest to the center ball) and the center mechanism came up (one too high). B missed it so restarted. Ball 1 and ball 2, and ran quickly but B got stuck on the stairs and wouldn't go over to drop the ball. The next three times, the center mechanism didn't come up????? Please fix this so it works the same all the time.
    • gmacpro
      B finally won but your mechanism is flawed if it doesn't work the same all the time.

      Here's a video of B doing the start 4 times in a row. Note the center mech:
      After that video I tried the level again and the 1st mechanism didn't work so the level could use some work. Here's a recording after it didn't work....
    • Rating:
      Hm, I did not have any mechanical problems. It is a matter of pushing the balls in the right sequence in combination with the right amount of patience.
      MScript likes this.
    • MScript
      @gmacpro Like GFJ said, there is a specific sequence to the balls and i'm glad to see that the mechanism works as intended. ;)
    • gmacpro
      @MScript - I won as intended so I know the sequence.
      MScript likes this.
    • Rating:
      Nice... But not of my taste... Its very simple and little bit laggy... But i enjoy
      MScript likes this.
    • Rating:
      Mechanism works fine and the sequence is quite intuitive, :thumbsup:. Easy fun, I enjoyed watching the final ball tumbling down, :D.
      MScript likes this.
    • Rating:
      Fun balls level with very nice design...But...in my case @gmacpro is right...I tried the correct sequence(after playing several times so obviously knowing the sequence) and the mechanisms doesn't work always...Thanks for sharing @MScript ;)
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    • Rating:
      R 'oland
      Short and easy one, impressive design, I bet it took a long time to create such a huge level. Thanks for sharing :thumbsup:
      MScript likes this.
    • Rating:
      Just the right number of permutations to keep the level fun.
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    • MScript
      @gmacpro & @delator77 i have only now experienced what you two have mentioned.
      I'm very sorry to hear, since that kind of stuff really takes away a bit of the fun (imo).

      @R 'oland it did take me a long time! The first design took me long enough, and then i've had to break it open again a couple of times, since stuff kept going wrong (all of a sudden mechanisms seemed too weak and needed more sliders, or i accidentally put blocks in the way of a balltrack, etc)
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