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Pure puzzle.

Kureigeous68, Mar 21, 2024
    • Kureigeous68
      Hmmm... The design patterns are misaligned. Try matching them with the sliders.
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      I already played this level on Facebook and really enjoyed it!!
      I really like the design and interesting intriguing gameplay.
      I usually have difficulty with code style levels. But at this level I was lucky - I was able to see the hint. The second part is also interesting.
      5 from me:thumbsup:! Thank you;)
    • delator77
      @Kureigeous68 Uuhhmmm not sure if I understand the hint...
      Before reading your hint I had already realized that the key had to be in the design... but you are referring to the back of the "building" or the sides?... can you give me a mini clue so I can better understand what do?:rolleyes:...
    • Denis Nazin
      Yes, there are three sides. But! Only one side can correspond to the offset of the sliders.
      Location relative to the doors - opposite side from the inside
      Good luck ;)
    • Rating:
      Well, the first conclusion is clear, right? code levels aren't my specialty in Mekorama :rotf:... but hey, I haven't been bad at this either! :sneaky: The second part of the gameplay has been fun... great, 2 levels in one :D ... I really liked the design too... thanks for sharing @Kureigeous68 ;)
      btw, thanks a lot @Denis Nazin your hint has been crucial to being able to deduce the code :rolleyes:
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      Needed the hint because...
      the sides are equally scrambled.
      After that is was interesting that the right
      perspective looking from the front
      was required. Then you also need to realise that the mechanism is not
      . Liked the second part too!
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    Playable with the latest version(as of June 2021)
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    Mar 21, 2024
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