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Bukit Cibalak

Bukit Cibalak
Fendi, Sep 17, 2022
    • Fendi
      - Autopilot
      - SSS
    • Rating:
      Took a while to work out how to...
      get the correct bot onto the ball beside the offset metal step.
      Satisfying finding the solution. Enjoyable challenge
      Fendi likes this.
    • Rating:
      Nice sensor! I didn't see what to do with L at first, but finally found his place. Fun!
      Fendi likes this.
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      Very cool level, thanks.
      I thought for a very long time how to make the right final with a combination of three bots. I couldn't think of anything because I thought the level was without tricks. It's good that I returned to the forum and read your comment. It turned out that tricks were needed. When I realized this - I came up with a walkthrough. But in my opinion, tricks were superfluous on this long and difficult level (this is just my opinion).
      I made a video for those who really want to pass this level, but got stuck.
      I really like:
      1) Hidden mechanisms. Very good and stable
      2) Excellent "magic tree" mechanism!
      3) Good movements with offset blocks - I love it very much
      4) Great overall level logic
      5) Very nice design
    • Fendi
      @Denis Nazin thanks for VS

      The ball for L can be dropped by B
    • Rating:
      Sammy 5
      That was extremely tricky, especially with the three bots in the top Tower. Thanks to @Denis Nazin for the vs. Otherwise I don't think I could have figured it out. Enjoyed working with all the balls and the different levels of the map:thumbsup:
      Fendi likes this.
    • Rating:
      Excellent level, above everything the intended solution cause unfortunately I did not see L's purpose but fortunately B made a large jump :sneaky:... thanks for sharing @Fendi ;)
    • Fendi

      My solution is the same as what @Denis Nazin did in his video, except that the ball below can be dropped by B. However, if you have your own solution, that would be even better and of course it's not a problem for me.
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    Fantasy Reality
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    Sep 17, 2022
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