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Bugs Life

Timing level, easy to moderate difficulty, no tricks. Bump up, piggy back, ball drop. Video solution and hints in comments. Noisy. Possible visual disturbance hazard.

Bugs Life
MekoMole, Dec 11, 2021
MomoKeego, BLR, Denis Nazin and 4 others like this.
    • MekoMole
      B must navigate his way through a world of bugs to collect stars. Video solution is one of several and sure short cuts will be found by players more skilled than I.
      Long piggy backs may be annoying to some but I find them a test of patience and skill. Baby steps advisable, two blocks max and let piggy back rider stabilise between steps.
      The flying insects, inspired by the infamous Scottish midges, are a deliberate distraction to toughen up game play a bit. However they can be disorienting and I advise caution for anyone susceptible to visual disturbance. The midges also pack a lethal hook punch so timing is essential.
      Ackowledgement to @Pratik Bhalerao for combination of bump up and piggy back and ,as always, to @Labyrenight for wedge climbing.
      A hopefully fun level rather than an intellectual challenge.

      Stars can be taken in any order but there is a required sequence on the scorpion. The two balls must be in position to complete star capture. R needs to be bumped twice. The sequence on the Praying Mantis is not critical but there is an ideal avoiding a long and potentially hazardous return trip.
      When B rises to the tip of the scorpion tail keep his head just below the sideswipe of the insect wing then rise to take the star and move on. Make sure B's exit path is set up in advance.
      When B ascends to the shoulder of the Praying Mantis the sliders are interlocked such that B must move on to the tip of the shoulder into the path of the insect wing. Quickly drop the vertical slider, move the horizontal slider back and step onto the horizontal slider and safety. In one scenario B can be deliberately left to be knocked off on to white to avoid a tedious return trip.
      If L falls on the long piggy back walk on white there is a reserve L. If L fails to reach the star on the wedge ramp, rare ocurrence, the reserve L can be brought up to provide a nudge.
    • Labyrenight
      First impression, why does this look like "Scrat" Ice Age?:eek:
    • Rating:
      Pratik Bhalerao

      You addressed me, I really wanted to know from where you got inspired that your so called Bump-Up-n-Piggy-Back move.

      Wedge Climb was fascinating move!
      First I won with just using one trick for Wedge Climb Star. But after your video I did played without trick. Loved to perform Wedge Climb

      Game was little, cautious and sensitive.

      I am glad, you had given backup Headless L there.

      Overall, good play!
    • MekoMole
      Thank you for playing and rating @Pratik Bhalerao.

      I was sure that I had seen a 'bump up' followed by 'piggy back' in one of your levels. The move also interested one of our well known/famous members who commented on it. My memory is not all that it was and if I have incorrectly attributed the move please accept my apologies. I must start writing these things down.

      Incidentally I really like the Anubis design in your album but, unfortunately , have been unable to complete yet.
    • MekoMole
      It does look a bit like Scrat @Labyrenight, I hadn't thought that till you pointed it out. :)
      Inspiration for a level?
      Thank you very much for playing and for a very generous rating.
    • Rating:
      Wow!! Another very well crafted design,a pleasure for my eyes :cool: The logic gameplay was fun too... thanks for sharing @MekoMole ;)
    • MekoMole
      Thank you @delator77 for playing, kind comments and very genrous rating. I'm delighted you found it fun. Stay safe and well my friend.
    • Rating:
      Very fun,felt like a bug there..
    • MekoMole
      Thanks @AJX for playing and very generous rating. I'm glad you found it fun. Hopefully you haven't picked any bugs. :unsure:
    • Rating:
      Sammy 5
      That was exciting...and a wee bit dizzying :p
      Really liked the ants, they were totally cool :thumbsup:
      Thanks for 2 lefties giving a spare in case one fell off on the trip to the high star!:)
    • MekoMole
      Thank you @Sammy 5. I'm glad you enjoyed the level and I appreciate very much your kind comments and very generous rating. Thanks for playing.
      Sammy 5 likes this.
    • Rating:
      Fascinating design with fun gameplay, although the ants a little bit creepy...
    • MekoMole
      Thanks @BLR for playing very kind comments and very generous rating. I'm glad you found the gameplay fun. I guess the ants are a bit creepy, I hadn't really thought about it. Ants don't really bother me too much, even though I've had painful bites in the past. Scorpions and Tarantulas however make my skin crawl.
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