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B's Logic Park

A collaboration level with.....you already know who based on the author name on the card :rolleyes: No tricks are required in this B only level.

B's Logic Park
ohmytian, Aug 14, 2024
    • ohmytian
      A huge shoutout to @Meko Guy for this collaboration.
    • delator77
      @ohmytian Hi :) a quick question...
      That ball that is holding the pillar must be pushed? I ask you this because when I started playing, a couple of times the ball fell and the pillar moved without me having done anything (at least I don't remember having done anything)
    • Rating:
      Two separate wins for me. I was more or less forced into the first one as the droppable prematurely fell frequently for me with the ball falling outwards. So i went with this and my gameplay was similar but i had trouble with the move at 2:00. I thought that this was because i had the wrong gameplay but now that i have looked at the video i see that i had the correct gameplay but it was a device problem. Anyway i changed to my Fire tablet and got a win very similar to the video but with a different ball order. A tough level but slightly easier than installing a driver for my scanner now that i have upgraded my ancient PC to W11. Still working on that problem.
      Loved the elaborate misdirections. Thanks guys.
    • Meko Guy
      @delator77 - Yes that should be pushed and we found that you should have lots of time before it may roll away without your input.
    • delator77
      @ohmytian I've been testing to see if I can find a pattern and this is my experience... look at this...
      well,when a ball crosses the second time where the arrow is,the ball that holds the pillar ALWAYS falls & sometimes when the ball passes the first time...is this step intended or not & that ball that holds must be pushed by B?
      I will wait to your answer cause maybe I am waisting the time :rolleyes:
    • delator77
      @Meko Guy pushed by B, I understand... please read my previous comment cause maybe is an issue of my device...
    • Meko Guy
      @delator77 - The issue is strange as we built this level over three days and the mechanism was solid for the first two days and then it started to lean and then started to fall and the ball would go in both directions without our input aside from the ball rolling over the top. Then it cleared up again and all was good so we decided to go ahead with the post. My suggestion, push the ball were you want it as soon as you can.
    • delator77
      @Meko Guy
      so, I have to push the ball that holds the pillar as I open the card and it doesn't matter which direction I push it? so that ball has no purpose,right?
    • Meko Guy
      @delator77 - No - I didn't say that. I said
      That ball is the 2nd one
    • Rating:
      ABDSMD mshl
      After a few attempts , i figured out all the directions of the balls but something was missing , so i checked the VS till 00:35 - i didn't know that i must push this ball- , then i return to the level and win it the same as the VS.
      The central motor was a bit annoying but i really like the bidirectionnel balls , and i like how you built the false routes of balls.
      Thanks for sharing ! :thumbsup:
    • ohmytian
      @delator77 Hi! So sorry for not able to answer your doubts by thankfully @Meko Guy is online. I think it's mostly a device issue as both you and @ridgerunner had the same problem so we tried our best for players to deal with the mech as early in the game as possible. And regarding the photo, the answer is
      no ball should roll over the mech before the lower ball is pushed.
      So sorry for the trouble and thanks for your feedback, I hope you'll win(I know you'll win:rolleyes:):thumbsup:

      @ridgerunner Wow so long review! Thanks a lot for playing. Glad you enjoyed our collaboration level. :)

      @ABDSMD mshl Great! Thanks for playing!:thumbsup: The main gameplay was @Meko Guy idea and I built the misdirections around. Glad you liked them - did they fool you?:DI only have a question for you - Do you have any problem with the mechanism drop - like the comments above?
    • Ray Aznable
      looking from design
      before read your comment,
      I can already guess about it.
    • ohmytian
      @Ray Aznable Well actually the level is designed by me. I mean I coloured the level. We used stone blocks during development. :rolleyes:
    • Rating:
      Ray Aznable
      I thought,
      the combination from
      ohmytian and mekoguy
      would be a level with HELL difficulty.
      turned out it was enjoyable & relaxing.

      and im so proud able to finish it,
      with just 2 restarts without help
      from video.
    • ohmytian
      @Ray Aznable
      If you never try you'll never know how a level will be. We did try to make it as not complex as possible in hopes of more players will try and finish it. Super happy that the level was enjoyable for you, and you even figured it out without the need of video solution! Bravo!:thumbsup: Thanks for playing!:D
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