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Simone Tat

Battle ship

In this first battle, the Sparrow crew was surprised and the enemy Phantom ship will win without any opposition...

Battle ship
Simone Tat, Jun 13, 2024
    • Rating:
      I like this Jack Sparrow's levels serie... nice storyline, cool pirate design & fun shooting gameplay... thanks @Simone Tat ;)
      Waiting for the next chapter :sneaky:
    • MekoMole
      Excellent design and gameplay but unfortunately my hand/eye coordination isn't quite up to the task. Almost won after numerous attempts. In spite of retiring defeated I enjoyed the level. It's fun and addictive, the hallmarks of a good game.
      Obviously 5.
      I tried this on my phone so will try again when I get success to my tablet which should help.
    • Denis Nazin
      Dear author. I really like the designs of your last two levels - very beautiful ships. The design is great. And the gameplay is interesting. These are levels for which you can give 5. But. I have a big problem with amenities or comfort at your levels. The fact is that, for some reason, you are hiding the slider control blocks and this makes the gameplay very uncomfortable. why?? In my opinion there is no need for this. Sometimes players actually do this to increase the suspense, but you have a level of skill and precision! This is not necessary here. it just gets in the way and irritates.
      Please excuse me, this is not criticism, this is friendly advice! Because I really like the idea and design of your levels.
    • Simone Tat
      Dear @Denis Nazin,
      I'll answer you honestly. I've created levels in the past that have been criticized for being too "easy", or having banal gameplay, although I think they are very interesting in themselves (I'm probably wrong). Therefore, I decided to start creating levels that are anything but "obvious or too easy".
      Kind regards,
    • Denis Nazin
      @Simone Tat Dear author, I understand you. But, believe me, this is not a way out of the situation!!
      First of all, you don’t need to pay attention to all the comments, because everyone has different tastes and experiences! Make levels the way you like it.
      Regarding the difficulty levels:
      I have a lot of experience and I can advise you:
      the only correct way is to complicate the logic and perhaps some tricks (if this is a level with tricks). But this MUST be done in balance with maximum relief of COMFORT AND CONVENIENCE for the players! This is very important, believe my experience.
      Complicate the logic(if you really want this, but this is not necessary, the main thing is an interesting idea), facilitate comfort and convenience. This is the key to success and the fact that your levels will be played more. Friendly advice! Good luck my friend;)
    • Rating:
      Following my initial comments I played the level on my tablet and not my phone. Helped a lot and managed to complete.:thumbsup: After a lot of attempts it has to be said.:rotf: Thank you for sharing.
    • Rating:
      Soohaeib Afeef Hosen
      As the others said, hidden draggables made the level so hard. But still, I enjoyed it :thumbsup:.
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    Pirates of the Meko-Caribbean
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    Simone Tat
    Jun 13, 2024
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