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Meko Guy

Ball Work 4

A fairly involved B Only level. The stars could help with the game play in this trick level. Low ceiling has an effect but isn't required

Ball Work 4
Meko Guy, Jun 2, 2024
    • Meko Guy
      - herc push
      - auto pilots
      - long legs (B can step off a wedge up with long legs)
      - the bricks show where some balls should stop
      - B will need to herc push the mechanism while standing on two balls
    • Rating:
      Fun going side to side . Liked the move to get the star above rail although i made the finish more complex than it needed to be.
      Meko Guy likes this.
    • Rating:
      ABDSMD mshl
      Nice level , my gameplay was similar except for the 0:17 move , i slide B to the wedge then tap and slide the draggable at the same time so B reach the dirt block .
      Thanks for sharing ! :thumbsup:
      Meko Guy likes this.
    • Rating:
      Clever & really fun tricky level... minor & not remarkable differences in our gameplay... I like the sandy design... thanks for sharing @Meko Guy ;)
      Meko Guy likes this.
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    Meko Guy's Levels
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    Meko Guy
    Jun 2, 2024
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