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B Alone

logic level. only need a low ceiling at the end

B Alone
Iskandar, Jul 24, 2020
Playtime and delator77 like this.
    • Iskandar
      Low Ceiling
      find out the use of each ball first
    • Rating:
      Meko Guy
      Since I'm not a fan a hidden that was my first issue but I read your hint and did that. Hidden was present but manageable. I dropped a star for three reasons: 1 - Balls on flat surfaces - there's no need for this. It makes your level unstable if the ball stops rolling and a restart is required
      2 - the ball behind B isn't required in the level. After B gets to the other side, there's no need to come back. I dropped the high closest ball then the ball below that to push the mech and then went to the other side and dropped those two balls and went to the win.
      3 - the hard to tap ending - I needed the video to finish as I couldn't get the tap so I figured it wasn't the way. Even after seeing the video, the tap was hard to get. Overall a good level.
    • Iskandar
      @Meko Guy
      ah you're right, I just realized ... B doesn't need to go back after going to the other side ..
      the final beat is my mistake when making videos, we can get beats more easily if we look at it from another angle
      it's easier for us to see the stairs from this side[​IMG]
      Thanks for P,C&R @Meko Guy
    • Rating:
      +1 star for being playable
      +1 star for no shortcut
      +1 star for the nice design
      +1.5 stars for the awkward gameplay
      -0.5 star as I agree with @Meko Guy that the last step is very annoying
    • Iskandar
    • Anomynous
    • Rating:
    • Iskandar
      @Anomynous yes, thank you, I'll try playing. and thanks for P, C & R
    • Rating:
      Well designed relaxing logic level... Thanks for sharing @Iskandar ;)
    • Iskandar
    • Rating:
      My gameplay was different and had an easy finish.
      I pushed the ball nearest B last and that gives B plenty of time to get into the easy to tap water before the the win mechanism squeezes B up onto winblock.
    • Iskandar
      @ridgerunner Yes, that's an alternative way. thank you for P, C & R:)
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