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Raihan Ahamad

Anti Clockwise

Take Yellow Bot at Top

Anti Clockwise
Raihan Ahamad, Nov 21, 2016
MomoKeego likes this.
    • kayody09
      On the second level, i can't figure out how to stay on the merry go round lol. Any hints?
    • Raihan Ahamad
      @kayody09 you have to move those moveable things to stops those platform
    • kayody09
      @Raihan Ahamad yea i know but when you move the draggable again to advance to a higher level it flings you off the platform, and there is no way to stay on the second moving platform
    • dools107
      Thanks...that was different and fun. As I sized the puzzle up, I expected B would fly off the puzzle every time I tried to move up a tier but, with a little practice, I was able to get the hang of it and make it to the top. I did learn, however, not to let B eat 3 pieces of pizza and a large soda again when we get to the theme park...or at least not right before he gets on your ride.
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