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Martin Sørdal

All over

All over
Martin Sørdal, Apr 13, 2018
delator77 and Mse&Csani like this.
    • Don G Rowe
      Hi and welcome to the forum. Looked like an interesting puzzle until I found the free draggable, which I just pulled across the win and it was ... you named it! ;)
    • Rating:
      Its a four* level if you fix the free draggable shortcut. Nice combination of logic and skill for a first level.
    • gmacpro
      I went to drop the ball and slider fell to the water and the ball missed the mark so I used the slider or free draggable without a slider to hit the win. BTW, I gave the level another go and missed the ball toss so gave up - not my type of level.
    • Rating:
    • Black1226
      Hi, and welcome to the forum, Marin! Sorry our first contact is on the down side - I thought this was a "hidden B" level, until I tossed the balls, the slider fell out, and after chasing it around for a few minutes, gave it up. Left me wondering what the point was. (That sounded kinda mean. I'm not mean, just not very good at solving levels!)

      I look forward to you next level, maybe I can solve it!

      By the way, I made both baskets, but that didn't help. I actually had one ball balanced on the rim of the hoop, which was a plus for me!
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