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Sewage Story

Help a construction bot escape the sewage! And find out how he got in there in the first place.

25 May 2016
25 May 2016
25 May 2016
25 May 2016
SpaceMelon, May 25, 2016
    • SpaceMelon
      Sewage Story
      "A very stinky puzzling story"
      by: SpaceMelon


      The story cannot fit in the description, so I posted it as a comment

      Sewage: The Accident

      A bot... A simple construction bot, named CO-10. Another ordinary bot, doing another ordinary job. Until one faithful day, while cementing the side of the sewer hole, a car on full speed crashes on the construction site and pushes CO-10 in the sewage hole...

      And there is where CO-10's stinky, and puzzling story begins...


      Sewage: The Tunnels

      NOTE: Play and read the description of "Sewage: The Accident" before playing and/or reading this.

      NOTE: Finish or [while playing] "Sewage: The Tunnels" before reading, to make the story more narrative to what you did in the level.

      After CO-10 fell in the sewage, he has been wandering for hours, until he encountered, a dangerous yet promising path that may lead to a way out...

      CO-10 slowly moves forward in the tunnels, yet alas, the path is broken, and a cylinder block, and pipe is left in its place.

      CO-10, thinks and processes an idea, and so it shoved the cylinder block in the pipe and cemented a block on the side to stand on, he manages to cross the other side. But seems CO-10's luck is no where to be found, as of ahead is a broken bot that has its head cut off, and electricity zapping anything that gets near, and a spinning broken liquid sucker.

      Yet CO-10's determination cannot be shot down, as he proves by avoiding the broken bot and dodges the spinning liquid sucker.

      Upon reaching the end of the obstacle, CO-10 sees no path other than the one going down. CO-10 peeks down below...

      *Wooosh* CO-10 reacts, and looked behind, to only see a jam pusher moving forward as of like the speed of a car, and hits him towards the hole, leaving CO-10 helpless as it falls down another hole...

      After CO-10 fell, it sees another path... Without anything left to do, CO-10 moves forward...

      CO-10 quickly encounters another obstacle after the fall, yet as CO-10 did in the other obstacles, it finished it without any worry of falling in the sewage waste...

      While moving forward CO-10 encounters another "Pathless Path" once again, yet as he steps on the floor near the dead end wall. The floor moves, and sinks down in the sewage waste, CO-10 confused and shocked, it quickly turned on the anti-liquid system in his robotic body, to avoid any circuitry malfunction.

      Below the sewage waste, was a path... CO-10 Opens its flashlight, only too see the obstacles ahead...

      "BiZzZ B0op!" CO-10 shrieks swear words in its robotic language while moving towards the obstacles....

      CO-10, once again encounter the same problem in the first obstacle, and does the same trick to get to the other side...

      CO-10, Sprints and doges the Electric filter, and moves forward in the sewage hole... Not knowing whats ahead...

      NOTE: Next chapter is
      "Sewage: The Way Up!"
      check it out!


      Sewage: The Way Up!

      NOTE: Play and read the description of "Sewage: The Tunnels" before playing and/or reading this.

      NOTE: Finish or [while playing] "Sewage: The Way Up!" before reading, to make the story more narrative to what you did in the level.

      After the painful obstacles of the tunnels, CO-10, sees a waste lift... Hoping to be a way out...

      CO-10, sees small yet dangerous waste filters. Ahead it sees a waste lift, so CO-10 walks towards the lift, while moving in a "zig-zag" formation, to avoid getting hit by the small filters.

      Slowly, but surely, CO-10 walks on the waste lift, hoping to be a way out or at least, a way up...

      CO-10 reaches the top, to find security bots with tasers and a 3 security scanners that can only be entered by a security, but can be dodged as well.

      CO-10 thought that it can ask the security for help... But CO-10 was wrong, the securities was programmed with one code only, "destroy trespassers".
      CO-10 knew that after scanning the security bots, so CO-10 decided to avoid the securities at all time, So it moved towards a lift that moves only forward, and avoided the security, until he reaches the security scanners. Once there, CO-10 had only once choice... Run!

      CO-10, ran as fast as it can, and reached the other side without getting caught by the security scanners...

      On the other side, CO-10 sees a filter building, filtering every waste that was in the sewage, and behind the building is a bunch of lifts and obstacles... After seeing the waste filter building and the hard path ahead, CO-10 took a break and sat for a while, it opened its solar panels to recharge, for the painful journey up ahead...

      NOTE: Next chapter is
      "Sewage: Filthy Filter"
      Check it out!


      Sewage: Filthy Filter

      NOTE: Play and read the description of "Sewage: The Way Up!" before playing and/or reading this.

      NOTE: Finish or [while playing] "Sewage: Filthy Filter" before reading, to make the story more narrative to what you did in the level.

      "z1BnH F1iL" CO-10 Says while looking at the Filter Building, which is terms mean Filthy Filter in their robotic language.
      CO-10 stands, and prepares for the path ahead...

      As CO-10 was moving forward, with an increasing walk speed, not noticing the electrifying pumper ahead. The pumper zaps the ground in front of CO-10, leaving CO-10 in "Shock". After a moment of silence caused by the "shocking" close call encounter with the pump, CO-10 sprints forward, avoiding the electrifying pump.

      Ahead from where CO-10 stands, is a lift. Used to move the waste. CO-10 stands on it waiting to reach the other side, without knowing that it drops wastes to it once moved... The waste fell, sliding towards CO-10, but CO-10 dodges in time, and ran forward after the lift reached the other side.

      CO-10 sees another lift, and rides it with safety and caution. Ahead the lift is a gate, that can only be opened by pushing, so CO-10 pushed it until it opened... *Eeeeeek* The noise of the gate made, CO-10 looks above by the side of the lift, it sees a bunch of waste falling. CO-10 immediately ran towards the other lift next to the gate, and went forwards to a observation post.

      Once there, CO-10 sees Box Bots below, and another electrical pump near it. And another path ahead. Upon looking CO-10 already thought of an idea to get to the other side... CO-10 rode a box bot timed to move towards the other path, yet what CO-10 did not calculate, is the part of the gate being in the way. Yet by luck, the gate closed and CO-10 move another step forward, towards escape...

      On the other path, is 2 crushes and the third electrical pump. CO-10 moves left and right dodging the crushes...

      After the crushers, CO-10 slowly moved one step at a time, to avoid getting shocked by the pump, reaching the end of electrical pump, CO-10 once again sat down and recharged, for the path ahead...


      NOTE: The last and bonus chapter will be posted within a couple of days. \ (•◡•) /
    • Keyfox
      Looks awesome! Gonna play these tonight!
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