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Adjust Position

No tricks required.

Adjust Position
Yusuf, Dec 21, 2023
    • Rating:
      I thought that the title was a bit misleading but i liked the clean gameplay using all the balls that was easy to miss. I also had a clean win without using the high ball.
      Yusuf likes this.
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      Found a way that required all balls. The logic was not intuitive, but fun to explore.
      Yusuf likes this.
    • Rating:
      Excellent clean logic level... thanks for sharing & for the fun @Yusuf ;)
      Yusuf likes this.
    • Yusuf
      @Block builder yes, i realize that not all balls are necessary, and B doesn't need to ride the ball from where it should be.
    • Denis Nazin
      Cool level. I like the mechanisms of their interaction:thumbsup:
      BUT! You have several solutions. And the fastest (no tricks) method - it doesn't require two balls and one mechanism:rolleyes:. You probably didn't think of everything:
    • ridgerunner
      @Denis Nazin.. i used that method and also a one ball in the ditch gameplay although it is debatable whether that finish is an autopilot or not.
    • Chris Hester
      I couldn't get the budgie to fall over - it just went back or forward a bit - so I gave up.
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      I finally understood the correct solution that the author had in mind. A very interesting level. And I think that even with a shortcut, your level deserves 5. Thank you;)
      Yusuf likes this.
    • Chris Hester
      I tried again and see there is a bar stopping the budgie from going further on both sides. B can go under it but cannot topple it as in the video. So how do I get it to fall over?
    • Sammy 5
      @Chris Hester ... when B is in position there is a slider that forces the budgeable to topple over :thumbsup:
    • Rating:
      Sammy 5
      Totally enjoyed figuring this one out which is a good thing as it took me quite a while.! The ball that runs down the center and is pushed by the slider rail did not always go into position so was a bit tricky:p. That budgeable made for some very interesting paths:D wonderful Masterpiece and thank you very much:thumbsup:
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