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About Time 2

This clock is in need of repair. Luckily, Bob the miniature Clock Smith is on hand. Set the time correctly. 25 minutes past and 25 to the hour are particularly helpful...

About Time 2
IceBlade, Dec 15, 2022
    • IceBlade
      Special thanks to @ridgerunner and @Valentin for finding the glaring hole in the plan ;)
      If you need it
      otherwise have fun.
    • IceBlade
      Further comment to @ridgerunner and @Valentin.
      I just can't seem to make them inaccessible without obstructing the platform. Well done for finding it. At least it's not ruined the whole shooting match like some of my shortcuts have :rotf:
    • Chris Hester
      Great clever design! Alas I couldn't keep B on the top of the long hand. He kept moving off the round block. Then he fell off. :(
    • IceBlade
      @Chris Hester, just move him gradually and pause to let him step up. If you do it in small moves he will adjust as long as you start him on the end and move bit by bit as per the VS spoiler.
    • IceBlade
      @Chris Hester also
      he is meant to fall off to start with to get to the ground
    • Chris Hester
      @IceBlade yes I tried very small movements as in the video but he kept moving off the end. I know it can be done...
    • Rating:
      Design-wise, it's good, but in my opinion, there are some things that need to be improved
      • Too closed view, should be the back of the slit to see the inside enlarged
      • When going up it would be better if you use the elevator that is inside rather than using a clock that is prone to slipping and falling, Pin it on the manual stop lift.
      • The accuracy of dropping the 2 balls above is less accurate, sometimes not as expected, That's what happened to me while playing it
    • Rating:
      It's intuitive & fun. Had a blast putting it together. The clock hands are, well, handy! :rolleyes::rotf:
    • Rating:
      Sammy 5
      Lots of fun figuring out how to get to the balls and then working through what was going on inside the clock. Enjoyed the disappearing stairs. Also very beautiful design:thumbsup:
    • IceBlade
      @Sammy 5 thanks so much. I'm really glad you stopped by and played. Have a great day.
      Sammy 5 likes this.
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