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a pleasant ride

You have to ride four boats till the end.

a pleasant ride
Ikram, Mar 23, 2020
    • GFJ
      Difficult to rate. Very quick and very easy level.
      Ikram likes this.
    • Meko Guy
      First, welcome to the forum. As for this level, I have to agree with @GFJ as the level was too easy. You did take the time to have some good design and at least you are trying so thanks for sharing. A little more game play like making B drop a few balls from the roof and from the walls (maybe even make the ball order important) along the way may help....
      Ikram likes this.
    • Meko Guy
      @Ikram - You should tag the players you are referring to so we get an alert otherwise we'll never know you replied. Tagging is easy - Start with the '@' symbol and the player's name, like @Ikram or hit reply.
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