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This level was part 2 of my last level. I had many ideas so I separated them into two levels. Here B will have to work with a mechanism and Pillar bot. Autopilot is required.

ohmytian, Apr 3, 2022
Ray Aznable, hapiss and delator77 like this.
    • ohmytian
      With B on the left dirt block, operate the mechanism so a ball will be transported and held up by B. Now tap where the ball is and B will autopilot onto the metal wedge. This move is used twice in my gameplay.
    • Rating:
      Liked the distributor autoslider. My start was different but the rest of the gameplay was similar.
      place B next to the eye then release the autoslider and B gets pushed over the eye then walkt to allow P to cross over.
      ohmytian likes this.
    • Meko Guy
      @ohmytian - It took me forever to get started and then one ball would go in two different spots (the P ball) so it is very hard to figure out the game play. I don't know if the ball should land on the first wedge or the 2nd. The ball tends to go to the furthest more often??? I've tried many moves but I'm not getting any further to collecting the star above the ball. The level is very obscure as the balls are resting on grass so again makes for harder game play.

      EDIT - I just noticed the hint and I would never have seen that move. I assume that is the move to get the star above the ball but that is only assuming the ball falls to the 1st wedge which isn't always the case. Getting lost! :(
    • Rating:
      Meko Guy
      I used your hint so that I knew that a ball should
      go in the 1st wedge where the P ball falls
      but I didn't use your wedge move once and was successful.
      With B standing on the mechanism, I tapped the grass leading to the high lift so B landed on the ball to collect the ball star.
      In hind sight, the P ball was easier to work around after the entire game play was know.
      I had some issues with the level. At the start, releasing just one ball and not too hard was very tough so I would have like to see a better one ball at a time delivery system because as is, one could easily release two balls without trying and that is a restart. The other issue was the ball where P ends up. On my first attempt, B nudged the ball and it rolled slowly towards P so B couldn't mount it. Not a great place to force a restart. On my 2nd attempt, the ball rolled but stopped so B could still access it.
      ohmytian likes this.
    • ridgerunner
      @Meko Guy ..i had the same problem with that ball that should stay still but rolled to P but luckily not the first time i won.
      Meko Guy likes this.
    • Rating:
      Another excellent gameplay with very nice use of the mechanism but I am afraid that my start is not like you (I think that is like @ridgerunner :sneaky:) but as I only used autopilot to solve it, I am happy... thanks for sharing & for the fun @ohmytian ;)
      ohmytian likes this.
    • ohmytian
    • Rating:
    • Rating:
      Ray Aznable
      another hard level,
      but, bcz it's wide opened from above,
      easy to observe all spots.
      yet, the mechanism, often to cause
      my bots fall or accidentally release
      ball when its not the time yet, etc.

      even if its hard,
      but it is beautifully concepted.
      thanks for sharing.
    • ohmytian
      @Ray Aznable Are you playing levels from the top view? Because you said 'easy to observe from above'
    • Ray Aznable
      i mean, everything are easilly seen,
      not like in 6th level.
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