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Meko Guy

7 Golden Balls v.1

This is a repost - see first comment for details. A few tricks will be required

7 Golden Balls v.1
Meko Guy, Aug 7, 2024
delator77 likes this.
    • Meko Guy
      Thanks to @ohmytian for finding a shortcut - well more like 4 shortcuts but I'd addressed two or three of them.

      - auto pilot
      - squat drop
      - metal stairs side step
      - springboard stairs
      - low ceiling
    • Rating:
      Fun tricky level and this time I need all balls and still couldn't find a reliable way for the first ball push. Isn't that in your video
      squat drop was used?
      It is very difficult/annoying for headless to push the side ball sideways, need some tapping back and forth so headless goes long legs as per video at 1:40.(I took about 20 attempts) The wedge ball lift was interesting and I used a different autopilot for B to get to it. The short ball ride wasn't very stable as my B stayed on the wedge lift and the ball rolled away the first time.
      Meko Guy likes this.
    • Meko Guy
      @ohmytian - I added squat drop to the trick list - thanks

      I agree that B can take many attempts to get a side ways ball but for some reason in this level, the ball seen to fall much easier so I didn't mess with it. Sorry - it didn't work out like that for you. I did try a step in front but it too had it's issues. The ball roll doesn't happen as often as falling off on my device. On my first posted video, B fell off but on this one B held on but in both cases, there was a recovery option. Thanks for P, C and R.
      ohmytian likes this.
    • Rating:
      Very fun tricky level with those attractive golden balls... our gameplay was the same except the moves involved with the black ball...
      two differences:
      1- the way to put B onto the black ball...I used a similar step that you used to push one of the golden balls,I mean,that jump with autopilot. Well ,you can do a similar jump (from B's initial position) where B landed onto a wedge that is next to the black ball &...
      2- this one surprised me cause I was sure that my way was the intended.I am refering to the path to return to take the third star once you push the last golden ball...you use the black ball & the two draggables to carry B up.I did not.With the black ball down,tap on the black ball & low ceiling acts so B can go up using the other path (autopilot where the eye is)your way is cooler but my way seems more obviois,don't you think?:rolleyes:
      thanks for sharing & for the fun @Meko Guy ;)
      Meko Guy likes this.
    • ridgerunner
      Been busy today so just got round to playing the original version. I didn't need all the balls either so will look at the revised version maybe later but probably tomorrow.
      Meko Guy likes this.
    • Meko Guy
      @delator77 - Nice work arounds - Thanks for explaining and of course, P, C and R.
    • Rating:
      Much easier than anticipated for v1 , probably as done all the exploring already and this version made more sense. I also took several attempts for side ball push. Slightly different autopilot at 2:25.
      Meko Guy likes this.
    • Rating:
      Ray Aznable
      the part when
      we adjusting two sliders
      to control a ball, quite thrilling.
      mine went to white two times.

      overall, its fun,
      headless do some acrobatics
      through narrow spaces.
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    Meko Guy's Levels
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    Aug 7, 2024
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