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Autopilot(and delayed one) and maybe cancel tap is required. Hopefully entertaining.

ohmytian, Sep 8, 2024
Meko Guy likes this.
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      I liked looking for a clean finish in this level. Earlier it took three pushes of a ball to be sure that was where it was meant to come to rest then it was easier to see potential finish. My finish was not as dramatic as the video but very similar. I used the same path as the delayed autopilot but without the autopilot. Then tapped on pilllarR and B then got knocked off to go for the win.Though i also found a slight variation as I thought that the designed win might have been too simple.
      ohmytian likes this.
    • ohmytian
      @ridgerunner Ahh, I should have seen the super easy way for B to get to the lift. Guess I'm too focus with the flamboyant delayed autopilot, I couldn't see the straightforward path. :rolleyes: Thanks for playing!:thumbsup:
    • Rating:
      Meko Guy
      Hard level to see the intended way. Thanks for your help offline for me to see the intended way.

      Checking the video I had a few things different and some were not very stable but others worked well as I used them many times.

      My move at 57 seconds was done completely different -

      Getting to the grass area was also done differently -
      I also found this way which I shared with you already - I was able to repeat the move twice in a row and it didn't require one ball.
      I also got to the grass area with a squat drop and didn't use one of the balls.

      I did spend a lot of time on this level - 3 hours for sure if not longer
      ohmytian likes this.
    • ohmytian
      @Meko Guy Super! Thanks for all the video showing all the variations and of course, thanks for playing(and for the time:oops:):thumbsup:

      I liked the move in your first and second video. There's also another method for the second video - @ridgerunner 's one if I understand him correctly.
      With B on the dirt wedge, as P goes long legs just before the stair, tap and miss P. Zero risk of restarting.

      Again, really appreciate your time and the videos. :thumbsup:
      Meko Guy likes this.
    • Rating:
      Yes, that was a fun tricky level but we have a different gameplay... I did not push one ball (4:33 in your movie) & I did more easier (I think) the stuffs in the last part... thanks @ohmytian ;) well done!
      The most remarkable difference was that ..
      to put B on the spot to go to the win,I put B onto the two balls,P pushed them & when the balls started rolling tap on the stair so B falled down but with that autopilot B went to the same spot & then B happilly run to thevwin block :sneaky:...although maybe it seems complicated is very stable & easy to do... try it :rolleyes: ahh,& I was sure that move was intended :oops:
      ohmytian likes this.
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      Will admit I used the video. A great logic level. After quite some attempts it got a bit repetitive, but I appreciate this level. Once, the zapper fell such that P walked on to it causing a restart. :rolleyes:
      ohmytian likes this.
    • ohmytian
      @delator77 Yes you are right regarding the last part of the gameplay - many ways to do it, some are stable but some are not. I think your spoiler is same as third video by @Meko Guy . Thanks for playing!:thumbsup:

      @Block builder Thanks for playing!:thumbsup: I agree it can be a bit repetitive to do the loops but that's also what the main logic is about. Doing the loops but each time with a specific purpose.
    • delator77
      @ohmytian oopps, I forgot to check @Meko Guy 's videos & you are right, is like his third video :D... I like a lot this variation :rolleyes:
      ohmytian likes this.
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