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No tricks needed. Just all logic. The ball that is high up in front of B can stop at two places but it's all good - both can still win.

ohmytian, Jul 4, 2022
    • ohmytian
      Adiorama likes this.
    • Rating:
      Liked the layered fallen budgeables and L had a nice climb to the finish.
    • ohmytian
      @ridgerunner Thanks for playing! Initially I had a grass block after the L climb but L had a hard time going long legs and goes up the grass block so I changed to a stair so it worked all the time.
      Adiorama likes this.
    • Rating:
      I really love you your level. Your levels always have a funny way to win. I give you 5.

      I know you prefer to follow intended way. But after I won the level, I tried to find the another way to win because your level is well made to let the adventure.

      I used MAT
    • ohmytian
      @CHL I watched the video, you're a very skillful player with all those fancy tapping. It's hard to block those moves and I always try to build so players can find out the designed solution easier. I'm happy you enjoyed the level and won both intended way and your own way. Thank you very much for playing. By the way, are you korean?
      Adiorama and CHL like this.
    • CHL
      @ohmytian Yeah, how do you figure out? Are you too..?
    • ohmytian
      @CHL I saw on your YouTube channel using Korean words. I'm Malaysian. It's great to see people all around the world playing Mekorama and being active on this forum.
      Makl, CHL and Adiorama like this.
    • Rating:
      Meko Guy
      I started a conversation...
    • Rating:
      I really liked the gameplay:cool:I had a lot of fun:Dto play as it required logic;):sneaky:
      THANKS FOR SHARING ;):thumbsup:
      ohmytian likes this.
    • Rating:
      angga alarcon
      Nice logic with some clever step
      My gameplay little different, and i try to find shortcut but i cant
      I just find some different way to solve it but still use all the tools and ball
      I'm usually didnt play long level because wasting my time, but this one easy enough to me to figure out and not too long
      Thanks for sharing :thumbsup:
    • ohmytian
      @Adiorama Thanks for playing! I like logic levels so all my levels are logic ones. Some may have tricks and some don't.

      @mr. alarcon Since your comment on the shortcut in 25th, I went back and checked all my upcoming levels for shortcuts. This took few hours and it wasn't an easy job. Thanks for playing and commenting. I don't think my levels are long - maybe moderate - not too short not too long.
      Adiorama likes this.
    • angga alarcon
      @ohmytian hahah
      Yes that is my bad habit to finding shortcut :D
      ohmytian likes this.
    • Rating:
      Sun Eagle
      I won with SSS, but lv didn't need trick so check the video and yeah, I miss that clean way at the corner. An obscure path. I'll remember that.
    • ohmytian
      @Sun Eagle Thanks for playing and commenting. Which path are you referring to?
    • Rating:
      Sammy 5
      OMGoodness that was a complicated one and I got it wrong right from the start so thank you for the vs. Was using B to knock down the budgeable. Really enjoyed the ball riding and the budgeable riding, this was a challenging but rewarding level:thumbsup:
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