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For Denis Nazin and the people of Ukraine

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cimarronline, Mar 4, 2022
MomoKeego, Sammy 5, d'SUKI and 3 others like this.
    • cimarronline
      This is an edited version of @Block builder's La Resistance, posted as a humble tribute to the brave people of Ukraine. Our friend @Denis Nazin lives in Kharkiv which is currently under heavy attack, including civilian areas.

      After no word from Denis for over 24 hours, it was a relief to see today: "Спасибо вам. Я и мои родственники живы." (Thank you. Me and my relatives are alive.)

      On Tuesday Denis wrote: "My dear friends. Thank you very much for your support. I wanted to tell you that everything is fine with me and my loved ones are with me. God bless us and your prayers. Thanks! We have no electricity for 4 days and very bad internet. Sorry if I can not answer or write that we are all right. If I can't answer, it's because I can't always access the Internet. And I have many other concerns here. Don't worry about me. Let's better all together pray for all the peaceful people of planet Earth, so that everything is fine with everyone."

      It looks like the destruction in Ukraine may get much worse in the coming days. If you pray, please pray for Denis and his family. If you send a message to Denis, please translate it to Russian, since he can't easily access the translator.

      (Solution video here)
    • Jom
    • MekaSage
    • 97 NinetySeven
      Thanks for the updates on Denis, I “touch” any avatar photo of his just to view the “Denis Nazin was last seen” info, it is very reassuring.

      Спасибо за новости о Денисе, я «касаюсь» любой его фотографии на аватаре, чтобы посмотреть информацию «последний раз видели Дениса Назина», это очень обнадеживает.
    • Mammad
      امیدوارم دوستمون @Denis Nazin هرجا هست شاد و سلامت باشه

      Я надеюсь, что наш друг @Denis Nazin счастлив и здоров, где бы он ни был
    • cimarronline
      Yesterday I saw a video of a Ukrainian man playing a piano for people in a bomb shelter. I told Denis it made me think of him, and I hoped he was able to play music.

      Today Denis writes: "Спасибо! Я нахожусь далеко от метро , я почти на границе. Но я стараюсь записывать музыку на ноутбуке , когда мы ходим заряжать наши телефоны. У нас дома нет света. Но главное что мои родственники и друзья живы. Спасибо."

      "Thanks! I am far from the subway, I am almost on the border [this could mean the edge of the city]. But I try to record music on my laptop when we go to charge our phones. We don't have light at home. But the main thing is that my relatives and friends are alive. Thanks."
    • cimarronline
      More than 1.5 million people have fled Ukraine in 10 days. From Denis this morning:
      "Спасибо за вашу поддержку! Я в Харькове , я никуда не уехал. Харьков большой город. Я нахожусь в той части города , которая ближе к границе с Россией. Но наш мирный район почти не пострадал! Хотя большинству людей очень страшно, потому что очень близко с нами проходят боевые действия. Мы каждый день и ночь слышим выстрелы и взрывы.
      Да, это правда - мужчин не пускают в поезда для эвакуации. Многие уезжают на машинах. Но когда они приезжают в мирные районы Украины - их сразу ставят на военный учёт, и могут в любой момент заставить воевать.
      Я и мои родственники пока что не планируем уезжать. Мы в Харькове. Все живы."

      "Thanks for your support! I am in Kharkov, I have not gone anywhere. Kharkov is a big city. I am in that part of the city, which is closer to the border with Russia. But our peaceful area was almost not affected! Although most people are very scared, because the fighting is taking place very close to us. Every day and night we hear shots and explosions. Yes, it's true - men are not allowed on evacuation trains. Many leave by car. But when they arrive in peaceful areas of Ukraine, they are immediately put on military records, and can be forced to fight at any moment. My family and I have no plans to leave yet. We are in Kharkov. Everybody is alive."
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