Heya! So I really want to see this features in Mekorama 2.0: (EDITOR) 1) Editor,coordinate block, and grid: I think it should be better if we have a selection grid that can work in two ways: a 2D selection that will select everything inside of it and then it can be edited by a 3D method (like changing the side of the grid) And the second way is by entering two coordinates in a box that will select everything between this two coordinates, and the coordinate block can be placed and it will show an outline around it (not in gameplay) and it can be named so you can straight up copy the coordinate from it too. 2) Editor bar: this is a bar starting from the top right and coming down and it contains undo (included already), redo (included already), copy (uses the grid I said before), paste, drag (uses the grid I said before), drag and paste (normal drag but it pastes the selected thing whenever it's possible)(drag needs to be stuck to a vertical or horizontal grid (always)), world properties ( lighting and default block (I'll explain the default blocks later)). 3) Default blocks: this will save something like this Spoiler: Default and it will make another level (not visible to the player) that contains a world fully filled with this save and by using the default block it will look at that blocks same coordinate in the other level and change the default block with the other block in the the invisible level. (GAMEPLAY) 1) Randomizer: I saw this request by @Divya and I know it's really hard to get it to work but I think if the community helps it can be done. 2) Open world: this one can only be done if we can get the Randomizer to work; but still I think it would be cool if we can have an open world that is randomly generated and can be explored, it doesn't need to be completely puzzles, it just needs to have a random terrain and it has a five percent chance of spawning puzzles and you will get rewarded if you complete them (I'll explain later). 3) Accounts and multiplayer: you can make a Mekorama account (or use your Mekorama forum account please?) And receive your open world and Randomizer levels rewards (we need a currency for it) and you can play open world levels with other people. 4) Mekorama currency: the only reason for having this is for changing your bot and you can use it for changing the colors and the alphabet on the bot. These are what I really want to see for future updates.
So tell that what are you actually expecting. So for making this we will need a self generating terrain? Yes we will. It is an open world. So there are chances of things happening. So is Meko supposed to go all 4 sides? No because it will be able to blantly skip the levels. One way? Too much constraints. If we leave that problem, let's go to self generating terrain. So if we take self generating terrain, we will complete a level, and maybe go to the opposite side. Now if we come to the same place, and see a completely different level, well it won't be ok would it? The self generating terrain might not be able to store ur progress, and if it does, there will be a point when you will have done 25 levels and it will become all laggy because of so much information to store and seeing as a gamedev, you probably don't want that. And let's again talk about self generating terrain. So self generating terrains are rare and are hard to make making the games costly, take minecraft. You definitely don't want to put money in a game and most parents also forbid to. So if a self generating terrain will be the future, the game will detioriate from it's position and fall straight down. Imagine paying for a game that lags up the more things you do
Actually it won't lag if it "stores" data because let's say you have a vision of 5 blocks to see on your device (example), then the game is gonna load 25 blocks and as you move around it will load more terrain but deload the train that's further from your vision and it will load it again if you get close to it (from your saved data) so that won't be a big issue (unless you have a really laggy device)
For skipping puzzles there's a solution of needing energy to survive and you'll earn energy from completing the puzzles
[ If you are making an open world then the player can skip levels by just going around them to different levels
If you have to do that you have to have a system that self codes your random generated terrain, i.e self decoding and then you need a system to store and revive the code too that will take time for the app to run through even if you make is as efficient as a Google search engine
Well the fact is not the puzzles it's the fun of exploration but you'll get 1 energy battery for every puzzle you complete and and can be stacked up to 8 energy battery and every one of those batteries will die in... Around 10 minutes
Also that will start to force players to do levels which destroys the whole point of mekorama. Mekorama is about freedom of making and this just destroys the whole point to me
The timer for each battery could be changed but the point is first you only needs batteries for the open world and second of all its just there so the player won't skip every single puzzle and the have to do some of them, it doesn't need to be ten minutes it could even be 2 hours 10 minutes is just an example
That's kinda the only way of having a randomly generated world I'm gonna edit the post later and explain a bit more