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Tips Levels more comprensive and clear please.

Discussion in 'Level Creation Help' started by Tacho, Mar 13, 2018.

  1. Tacho

    Tacho Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 10, 2018
    Why so many people try to do levels so crowded of bricks, boxes, etc? Most of time I can't understand what must I do or where to go, and so many pieces that it's impossible to see what is behind. It is supposed that it is a game for enjoying not for frustrating. Thanks!
    The Foolish Guy and AelJerzhee like this.
  2. ADM

    ADM Guest

    Such kind of levels are mostly made by begginers.... You can easily find out the difference between a begginer's level and an experienced player's level. And what I've observed is that they are rare. Most important thing is that they are still learning.
    I also saw that you mentioned "So many people". Honestly, I don't think that many people make such levels. It's just your lack of understanding the level... Don't forget it's only been a few days you joined the forum and the standard of level making here is way too higher than the original 50 levels.
    Hope I was helpful.
    Tacho and richardfu_ like this.
  3. Tacho

    Tacho Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 10, 2018
    Yes, absolutely right. I apologize. And yes, it was very helpful.
    ADM likes this.

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