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Karen 2.0

Deserted House

Credit to Martin Magni for some of design borrowed from his level Maker Space. Story line: B has found a Deserted House in the middle of the swamp lands. It looks as though it has been abandoned for years. No one could still be living in there, could they?

Deserted House
Karen 2.0, Dec 24, 2021
Helena, delator77 and AJX like this.
    • Karen 2.0
      Low ceiling
      1 Autopilot (B miss Pillar R and fall)
      It turns out someone did live in the Deserted House, but they got scared and ran away. B tried to catch them, but missed. However, he did eventually find some treasure hidden near the house in a box (win block) with the initials P. R. on it. He decides to leave it where he found it, in case the mysterious P. R. ever comes back. B wonders where P. R. went, but we may never know...
    • Rating:
      Good story linked to the gameplay which had good logic and many nice springboard and low ceiling moves. Approached the winblock from the wrong direction first time then realised what the ball near winblock was for. My favourite move was near the end when B had to reach a low ceiling step.
    • Rating:
      So happy to see this level re-uploaded cause just when I was going to rate the first version I found that the level was deleted... Now I see few changes,in fact,I think that my gameplay was almost identical :sneaky:... Well,a tricky level full of nice steps,really very fun to play... Also liked the storyline & the design reminded me to the original "Maker Space"... thanks for sharing @Karen 2.0 ;)
    • Rating:
      Meko Guy
      Nice level if you know SSS and SBS. I liked the game play to figure out the sequence but maybe a little bit too many stair (trick) moves. Thanks for sharing

      PS. I am curious why you don't play and comment on my levels as they are no harder than this one and definitely less tricks required?
    • Rating:
    • Karen 2.0
      @ridgerunner, @delator77, @Meko Guy, @Anomynous, thankyou all so much for playing, commenting and rating! @delator77 I took the level off the forum to fix a few minor details and one short-cut I discovered after uploading the level. @Meko Guy, I am actually not a very good level player and I bet I couldn't beat half of my own levels if I hadn't created them. I do play your levels, but embarrassingly I don't think I have ever fully solved one of them as they are just too complicated for me. I still like the parts I do figure out, though. Also I can't watch solution videos to help me as I do not have YouTube. Thankyou all for playing. :)
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      Thank you. Very cool level. I guess I agree with Meko Guy: "there are too many tricks." But on the other hand, this level is an excellent training for sbs and sss.
      This level is for experienced players only.
      Thank you very much. I went completely as you intended. But then I took a short cut :
    • Karen 2.0
      @Denis Nazin, thanks so much for commenting and rating! I am very glad you like the level. I guess I may have gone a bit overboard with the tricks.
      I do not have YouTube so i cannot watch the video of your shortcut. If you have time, could you describe and/or show me a picture of your shortcut? Otherwise I shall not be able to fix the shortcut.
      Thankyou for playing! :)
    • Denis Nazin
      @Karen 2.0
      I made a photo screen, I hope you understand:
      [​IMG]You need to press to make B run back into the house, and at the same time raise the drag slider up. He pushes B, and pushes out of the level.
      My dear friend! You don't need to fix anything. You have great ratings. And about my shortcut - this technique is quite difficult to do at your level. Do not worry. I also passed your level completely.;)
    • Rating:
      Sammy 5
      Got it done but it wasn't pretty. LOL
      This was a tough level with lots of difficult moves for B:p
    • Karen 2.0
      @Sammy 5, thanks for playing. I'm glad you found it a challenge but you could complete it :). Which part of the level 'wasn't pretty?' Thanks for P, C and R as always ;)
      Sammy 5 likes this.
    • Sammy 5
      @Karen 2.0 had to really work B hard and some tight places. He had a difficult time on the slider over the triangles...took a lot of tries.
      BTW what was Pillars purpose?
    • Karen 2.0
      @Sammy 5, thanks for your response :). If you had difficulty with the slider over the triangles, maybe you were not using the right technique to get over, as there is a way that will succeed every time.
      Instead of trying to get B over with the slider by just dragging the slider across in one movement, with B on the slider, slide the slider over one block, onto the first side of the triangle, and let go of the slider. B will bend over, and then you can drag the slider the rest of the way across, and B will come with the slider.
      As for what is Pillar R's purpose,
      use autopilot to miss pillar R and be able to go onto the white space from where you landed at one point in your gameplay? If not, I am not sure how you won the level, but I think it would be quite different to the intended gameplay.
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    Dec 24, 2021
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