Thanks @chemi, @vince and @TR O for reporting the two shortcuts and @Block builder for playing and rating it with the intended solution! Note: You may have to push the draggables harder. Spoiler: Changelog 1. The shortcut caused by the "forcefield" effect of B is now fixed......Finally! Thanks @chemi for the testing before I reuploaded this. - Well......It was not easy to balance the tree such that R can push it quickly yet B cannot move it by any means. Lesson learned: Every tree matters! (I hope the much bigger tree doesn't affect the aesthetics of the level too much. ) 2. The motor platforms are now more stable and no longer jam without any apparent reason. - For some reason in the first version, where just one motor was attached onto the back platform, it gets jammed without any user input (especially when both zapper bots are close to it). Attaching two motors retain the same speed while lowering the chance of getting randomly jammed. 3. I added an extension pillar at the back of the motor platform since B sometimes would overshoot after the stunt (there's no more space for another block, so I had to add a motor pillar ). I also tried my best to modify the platform shapes to make it slightly easier to maneuver.
@vince Thanks! Yes, I had some trouble finding a smoother way to release it in the end, especially with the back platform's double motors (which generates a much stronger rotation than the other one with a single motor) that could prevent the jammed block underneath from being released again...... In fact I thought about using a slider (which should be able to slide out more easily) instead of just a free block, but the whole mechanism would seem to become a lot more complicated so I didn't bother to try it (despite I still have a lot of empty space next to the platforms -- I instead used the space to build some nice pools around it. )
@TR O Spoiler Have you ever wondered why there's an overhead staircase to the left (right before the downward path where B would get zapped)? Spoiler The zapper bots must not enter the chamber, and B has to do something to force them to turn away...... Spoiler The whole level may feel a bit more straightforward if you don't try to go back to the Win immediately.
@chemi @Muslim Arizzy Thanks! For the next one I probably will need some time to come up with new ideas though As for the difficulty setting, in fact Spoiler I firstly built the motor platforms and was wondering if that alone could be published as a level, but felt like there's not enough in the chase and decided to add the mountain side. The bigger mountain however became more complicated than expected as I wanted to include multiple pathways, but only allow B to reach the Win after he's gone through the entire island......In the end I did achieve that effect, but it was only possible with multiple one-way paths (plus the tree which blocks the only two-way path ). I hope the beginning mountain didn't end up being too tricky...... Spoiler: Design troubles! I must admit that it was risky to put the Win at the beginning and have multiple paths around it (I had a hard time trying to come up with different one-way paths / bot-specific paths ) while also allowing B to return in the end using the same pathway. I could have built a separate path that leads B back to the Win (or make a trigger after the motor platforms such that the return path could only be unlocked over there), but I felt like that would defeat the purpose of the design so I tried to make the return trip resemble the original path as much as possible. Still, the lift was necessary for B to go back up (The smaller mountain is much simpler because there's only one pathway and B has no choice but to keep running )
Seems like everybody complete it so easily... Spoiler I pass the spinning platforms by luck only, as there are many times B felt to the place can't get back up. Or maybe it's just me don't know how to operate them? The first time has to be passing when it's spinning right?
@TR O Yes -- B has to make that move Spoiler I tried my best to make the platform in a certain shape (hence the rails underneath) such that B would mostly be able to get through with his legs sticking to the platform, but I get what you mean because it happened to me sometimes as well. Most of the time I could do it multiple times without restarting (sometimes you'll have to go back down to adjust the platform angle), but in some of my test runs B does tend to fall off in several consecutive attempts.
I love this level,I love the "saga" catch me if you can and maybe I love you jajaja...Very original and enjoying level...well done
@Qudion Yes it's intentionally made shorter, although the beginning area still ended up more complex than I expected....... Congrats on completing the whole series!