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Meko Guy

Very Slow Ball

A few auto pilots will be required from B and one from R towards the end

Very Slow Ball
Meko Guy, Nov 25, 2024
Baba likes this.
    • Meko Guy
    • ridgerunner
      I had the correct gameplay although i had not decided on the exact finish but i got stuck and had to look at the video as i was unable to
      dislodge the ball after three minutes. I went back and tried to follow the exact moves leading up to the dislodging but my ball moves half way out then sticks every time on my iPad and fire tablet
    • Meko Guy
      @ridgerunner - Sometimes the ball would roll nicely but my video is the typical speed on my devices. Thanks for playing and commenting as it is always appreciated.
    • Rating:
      Excellent! fortunately I have not experienced @ridgerunner 's problem so I enjoyed the full gameplay... a tricky level full of fun & clever steps... your last sentence in our private chat was a big hint... My beginning was a bit longer cause I did not see your easy way but our biggest difference was that...
      when L missed B's head,he did not fall on the fence,he falled down on the rail so I gently pushed with the draggable to the ball's gap...then L started up & down in the stair & then I choosed the right timing to fit rhat gap with the ball
      thanks @Meko Guy ;)
    • Rating:
      I finally got that ball to drop but it took about 5 minutes. Loved the rest of the level especially the nudging of B to adjust height.
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    Meko Guy's Levels
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    Nov 25, 2024
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