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Tower Crossing III

Twenty years later, at the same towers.

Tower Crossing III
richardfu_, Dec 15, 2016
delator77, chemi, Astral_Mage and 3 others like this.
    • richardfu_
      1. Tap on any inaccessible block to stop the motorcycle (e.g. the wall), even when you are in the air!
      2. Make sure you always stay inside the trail!
      3. You can go backward, but make sure the motorcycle is fixed in the trail because the bot will attempt to turn it.
    • cpw
      Casual builds? :rolleyes:
    • Rating:
      Muslim Arizzy
      very imaginative, funny and interesting.. thanks
    • Rating:
      As @cpw said, I'd hardly call this casual, but as long as you keep creating, it doesn't really matter.

      Another tower crossing! Wow! As usual, great architecture, even if it was ruined. Smooth (although I never succeeded in going backwards) and simple gameplay; nice idea to use motor platforms to turn him. It actually took me a few moments to realize what to do at first, which is ironic.
      richardfu_ and cpw like this.
    • Rating:
      Nice ride :D Probably the closest thing we can do with B driving a vehicle. The slow descension looks really cool. If only it could steer without the help of motor platforms :oops:
    • Frenzies
      @cpw It can steer, but it's unstable. It doesn't always go to where you tap.
      cpw likes this.
    • Rating:
      TR O
      Wow! haha. It is very interesting. But I don't know why the ball didn't activate the mechanism, not until B arrived.
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      Vroom vroom! :D
    • Rating:
      A bit boring for the required precision,but really original
    • Rating:
      Really original level... :D Thanks!
    • Rating:
      Wow! This is a level like no other! How did I missed this one?! How?!!
    • HackedUp
      Nice... Use of motorcycle... And far really excellent for further inspiration for others
    • Rating:
      A level with a beautiful architecture ... although you know how to complete the level is not easy to get it and that creates frustration hahaha .... but in the end I did it... special mention the way to "walk" or better said "travel " of B ... very funny !!!
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    richardfu season 3
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    Dec 15, 2016
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