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Time Machine part 3

You look up the time traveller.Is he okay?

Time Machine part 3
MScript, Jan 28, 2019
MomoKeego, hadi and delator77 like this.
    • ridgerunner
      Simple two tapper and the second ball does not appear to do anything. Is something amiss?
      Jom and MScript like this.
    • Rating:
      Now,I'm confussed:confused:...What is the purpose of the second ball?Anyway this was too easy:oops:...Thanks for sharing @MScript :thumbsup:
      Jom and MScript like this.
    • MScript
      @ridgerunner @delator77 sorry to let you guys down.
      Not much gameplay.
      The second ball is meant to lower the platform where the time machine is on.
      Below is a mechanism that is supposed to shake violently, but sometimes B is too fast.
      It's all a storyline thing.
    • Rating:
      The series was going nicely, but this one feels like it needs more to do along the way. The story is there but the game maybe got a bit lost, ;).
      MScript likes this.
    • Jom
      @MScript If you gave us some stuff to work through on the way it would have given time for the time machine to work. ;):D

      Thanks for the series though, :thumbsup::D. I might have to read the book again now, you've inspired me! ;)
      MScript likes this.
    • MScript
      @Jom true. Tot be honest, i made the first two months ago, but stuff got in the way of finishing the third.
      I might have sped it up too much...
      Jom likes this.
    • Rating:
      Easy level.
      MScript likes this.
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