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The Search

B killed P during their fight. Then, B started to search Z's house. From the documents of X, B found that Z was also the leader of X. When B wanted to call other polices to handle P's dead body after he had searched Z's house, his phone rang... and the call was from Z...

The Search
EL797, May 17, 2020
    • EL797
      No tricks are needed, just a ball logic level. ;)
    • Rating:
      Although designed as a no tricks level, i prefer the start as an autopilot rather than an awkward ball push.
    • Rating:
      Very FUN balls level ! Thanks for sharing @EL797 ;)
      EL797 likes this.
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      EL797 likes this.
    • Meko Guy
      No good at redirecting balls so gave up.
      EL797 likes this.
    • Meko Guy
      Since you liked my comment while I was editing, I've removed the edit and added another comment.
      Ball should fall with stability not have to foot dance.
      EL797 likes this.
    • EL797
      @Meko Guy What do you mean? Do you mean the first ball?
    • Meko Guy
      @EL797 - Yes and the one at 42 seconds. My ball fell to the white space and had enough when another rail would have made the ball stable.
      EL797 likes this.
    • EL797
      @Meko Guy
      I know adding some rails can stop that ball from falling to the white space, but I want the level more challenging. If B touches that ball and immediately turns right, that ball will always fall with stability.
    • Meko Guy
      @EL797 - Levels can be hard/challenging enough without foot dancing.
      EL797 likes this.
    • EL797
      @Meko Guy foot dance...? I will call it as walking-in-careful/right-position, and what's wrong with it?
    • Meko Guy
      @EL797 -
      Nothing - but I'll skip the level as I have no desire to fail at dropping a ball because B turned the wrong way or started at the incorrect spot. You as a builder, can put B in many spots to see the result and incorporate that move, we as players, don't know the move until we have gone thru the options, it's like pulling on sliders to get the right combination - I don't play them either.
      EL797 likes this.
    • EL797
      @Meko Guy Then I will add some hints next time. ;)
    • Meko Guy
      @EL797 - I don't read hints unless I'm stuck. A ball falling the wrong way isn't stuck but instability to me.
      EL797 likes this.
    • EL797
      @Meko Guy
      We have different views as our characters in this level are not the same, so I won't refute your point... anyway, I will add some hints when I use 'careful walking' next time.
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