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The Old Museum

Walk around an old and strange creature lived in the past to find a mysterious star…

The Old Museum
Mark69, Feb 22, 2024
JojoIII, delator77 and Denis Nazin like this.
    • Mark69
      Another old and unfortunate level transformed in a new and very different adventure! Enjoy in it! :)

    • Rating:
      Great looking level that was fun to explore. I had two winning gameplays but was surprised by the video when something appeared at 35 seconds that i had never seen. Not surprisingly I didn’t use every part of the level.
      Mark69 likes this.
    • ridgerunner
      Found another way to get B to push the ball at the side.
      instead of a flick up ftom the bottom which landed B across from R , i had B autopilot onto the rotatable part of the giant R draggable and swung the draggable away then back again
    • Valentin
      Nice design!
      I took me a moment to find the hidden star but was happy when I did.
      I had found the ball mechanism (which is cool with the motor snap that gives a kick) in a previous attempt but that time, the dinosaur ball didn’t fall as expected. I then had the surprise to see it rolling backwards … right in the hole ! which permitted me to win quicker.
      Thanks for sharing ;)
      Mark69 likes this.
    • Rating:
      Super cool design & fun gameplay... thank you for sharing @Mark69 ;)
      Mark69 likes this.
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      Autopilot seemed the best way to get the ball moving, but that can also be used towards the win. Nonetheless the second star forced an adventure, and the kick mechanism attracted an adventure.
      Mark69 likes this.
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      For the first time I see the CHAMELEON design in mekorama. Very similar - super design!!:thumbsup::thumbsup:
      The gameplay is also interesting. I also couldn’t understand the gameplay for a long time because of the hidden things. I found the hidden ball. But I didn’t find the hidden element (motor) at 1:15 of your video, I didn’t guesso_O:unsure:. That's why I used "tapping through the wall":sneaky::rotf:. I really liked the ball gameplay. Thank you;)
      Mark69 likes this.
    • Mark69
      Thank you all for your ratings and comments! They motivate me to spend effort to realize new adventures :)
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