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Block builder

The machine

One does not know what the purpose of this machine is, but no R has ever come out after entry.

The machine
Block builder, Dec 7, 2016
MomoKeego and chemi like this.
    • Block builder
      Expected this one to be challenging, but wanted to give the enthousiasts a chance.:)

      You can give B considerable sideways momentum (e.g. to left) by moving down a movable next to him on the other side (e.g. on his right). This only works when B is not standing at rest. Basically you hit his shoulder.
    • chemi
      I can confirm you did it. I am able to arrive to second ball but missing first one. If I go to the first one then I don't know how to leave... :confused:
      Still trying. Thanks for challenge us. ;)
    • Block builder
      Indeed, you have to leave straight away. B can get back up. If you need a hint, let me know.
    • Rating:
      Finally done. Really tricky but I enjoyed very much. Amazing last mechanism... Thanks!
      I usually forgot auto-pilot exploit. ;)
    • Khudrat
    • Block builder
      Immediately after the level loads perform these actions:

      1. Swype to rotate level.
      2. Click on block between conveyor belt and lift.
      3. Raise lift.
      4. When B reaches the block adjacent to the lift, lower the lift with speed immediately. Do not wait for B to stand still.

      B should step sideways on the block on the conveyor belt.
    • Khudrat
      @Block builder
      I have no problem with the nudge. Don't I suppose to push the top ball first? :confused:
    • Block builder
      @Khudrat Nope, you have to do that later. See chemi's spoiler for a hint on that.
    • Rating:
      Done ;)
    • Rating:
      Loved the interplay to get the middle ball, was an Aaaaah moment when i tried a different strategy. Very enjoyable.
    • Rating:
      TR O
      Nice puzzle level. But I guess it need a "tricky name" for a tricky level. Stuck so long becuse I though it was simple=P.
    • Block builder
      It seems lately on this forum, that tricky levels are standard, and that "does not require tricks" is something you need to mention. :D

      No you are right, better to mention it.
      TR O likes this.
    • Rating:
      Awesome, incredible, twisted, brilliant, WOW, I do not know what else to say ... perfect level .... Jajajaa, the last step is simply great .... thanks @Block builder for this work of art !!! believe me, I keep smiling and clapping my hands...
      If it were possible I would give it 10 stars:rotf::p:thumbsup::rolleyes:
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    Block builder
    Dec 7, 2016
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