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Accidents may happen during teleportation, but you are determined to visit your neighbor.

richardfu, Jun 25, 2016
AVC, MsBehavin, MomoKeego and 13 others like this.
    • Rating:
      Panda x Penguin
      Interesting bug!
    • Rating:
      Outstanding level! Granted it uses the teleportation trick you discovered which is really cryptic, but extremely cool. Everything else is completely solid. I particularly liked your sliding door trick. Wow! And I see you used my ball-on-cylinder technique too. :)
      meko and richardfu like this.
    • Rating:
      A new higher level of complexity on a small scale... really good work. :D
    • trids
      Ok - I'm struggling with this one. I guess it depends on an exploit?
    • richardfu
      @retrograde You are right, the ball on cylinder is inspired by one of your levels.
    • richardfu
      The trick is to stand on the platform and swipe to the other side very fast. Help your neighbor and it would help you too!
    • retrograde
      @richardfu I kept searching for a way to make bot-ball interactions more reliable. After a lot of trial and error I finally stumbled across that ball-on-cylinder structure. It eliminates the need for a slider to be involved to push the bot against the ball allowing for more dense designs.
    • richardfu
      @retrograde I used to use the slider-ball approach. Wish I could have known this technique earlier...
    • trids
      @richardfu... Ah yes, i see! Thank you, that's a new one for me. I must play around with it and test its limits. One of my attempts left the yellow bot stuck in the middle - all i could see was a foot o_O. Very nice puzzle!
    • Scare Crow
      AWESOME!!!.....Took me more than 2 hours of experimentation to completely understand the trick behind the teleportation technique
    • Rating:
      I loved most the artful design of this level. The two brick walls separated by a courtyard are very nice and lend that little bit extra to the teleportation effect. I'm glad to see that you gave a hint and explanation of the potential side effects in the title description. It is also a very involved level with so much to discover and learn (for those new). Excellent architecture and so much fun! Thank you!
    • Rating:
      I thought that was the best trick on mekorama.But after i zoomed on the wall..:cool: .the level was really cute -
    • Rating:
      Great level! Although it is "impossible" to solve it without reading about the teletransportation exploit. Thanks!
    • Rating:
      You really are great using tricks for the benefit of the level and not just because it can be used.
      I like how it's still a puzzle and it uses distance as the puzzle element. The design is also noteworthy as it's so colorful and balanced. Thanks!
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      This would still be a great level today, despite the trick inflation.
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    richardfu season 1
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    Jun 25, 2016
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