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Six Faces

R needs you to see the good side !

Six Faces
vince, Aug 28, 2020
    • vince
      One side of the cube is different and allows R to walk to the win.
      Some little advices:
      - Moving more than one slider at a time will not be useful.
      - Keep R slider up while moving the cube.
      One possible solution below, I think it is the quickest but I'm not sure !
    • Rating:
      One of the most awesome puzzles I've ever played! I did it using trial and error. In my first 3 attempts, I brought down R yet R kept on falling. I then decided to solve it without bringing R down.

      The mechanism is surprisingly stable! Thanks for sharing this excellent level!
      vince likes this.
    • P_simorf
      @vince , I've also noticed something. The controls are always on the lower right side! The budgeable will then rotate to the left. Also, you can play this level with one hand only!
      vince likes this.
    • Rating:
      Amazing! I've never seen anything like it on mekorama before.
      Jom and vince like this.
    • Rating:
      Lang Tao Jin
      Incredible puzzle!Rolling block makes me relaxed.Thanks for sharing!:)
      vince likes this.
    • Rating:
      vince likes this.
    • Rating:
      Ray Aznable
      inside @vince's world,
      B & R bot just the guest.
      the main characters are mechanisms.
      Jom and vince like this.
    • Ray Aznable
      are you working in industry?
      vince likes this.
    • vince
    • Ray Aznable
      vince likes this.
    • Rating:
      Really original idea, :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:! Love it!!

      I solved it by rolling the cube around at random until I realised I had it the right way to do a final couple of moves to get it in place, ;). Might have been better to make a plan from the start, but my brain was on strike, :rotf::eek::rotf:!
    • Rating:
      Amazing. This is what a good level is.
      1. Easy to understand
      2. Good design
      3. Stays with 1 mechanism from start to finish
      4. challenging gameplay using logic

      Cluttered shapeless looking levels based on swaggy unfriendly moves called "tricks" just cannot compare to this. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
      P_simorf and vince like this.
    • P_simorf
      @Propesyonal I couldn't help but laugh while reading your comment. The way you describe tricky levels is spot on! Five stars for the articulate description of tricky levels! :rotf::rotf::rotf:

      I still like tricky levels tho especially if the tricks used are surprisingly stable and prevent shortcuts.

      Floating blocks in tricky levels quite throw me off. I consider them as design anomalies. That's why I try my best to make these floating blocks hanging instead.
    • Rating:
      Clever toppling incorporated into interesting logic puzzle.
      vince likes this.
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