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Ray Aznable

Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet
Ray Aznable, Jan 28, 2021
EL797, Sammy 5, Adiorama and 11 others like this.
    • Ray Aznable
      difficulty is very easy,
      just follow the paths,
      and pay attention to all elements or features.
      enjoy the ball routes, there are various of them...

      tricky parts are only when
      Romeo (yellow bot / B)
      & Juliet (Pillar head red bot / P)
      die at the end
      Romeo misunderstood when saw
      Juliet (P bot) got frozen.
      he thought she died standing :eek:
      so Romeo climb up tower to hang himself :confused:

      this move inspired from @Kureigeous68 's level
      suddenly Juliet awaken then shocked
      seeing Romeo already dead.
      she afraid cant live without Romeo
      so she jump off from her apartment. :cry:

      this move inspired from @935 's level

      first step might be troublesome,
      I intendedly set this naughty move,
      to visualize the reality of drama in relationship,
      sometimes we dont get along with our couple,
      boys want go one way, girls want go to opposite.
      once the couple's mind and feeling are synchronized,

      everything can be handled with teamwork.
      relationship goal !!!
      love isnt always troublesome, can be great,


      start moving the long metal
      when red bot standing on middle metal.
      so when red bot arrive at left metal,
      and start to rotate, you have bigger chance
      to make red bot push the ball.
    • Sun Eagle
      I have a big problem with the first 2 balls. P slide his body when B push; P turn too fast, when B completed to push, P turn 180 degree and miss the ball. Oh, come on! Let P push that ball.
    • Ray Aznable
      @Sun Eagle
      oh you got trapped between
      toxic love drama of romeo and juliet... :p
    • Sun Eagle
    • Ray Aznable
      @Sun Eagle
      use more feeling,
      once u got the click, its pretty easy,
      to slide the giant metal slowly
      whitout make P's body slided back to middle block.

      try play it with love feeling.
      imagine someone, or anything who or which
      you love at. it will help you get the click quicker.
    • Sun Eagle
      @Ray Aznable Also try it, Bunga. but slow is not a good timing for P as P will turn 180 degree and never push the ball.
      If P can turn left, I'll have more time to did it slowly. Quicker will make P's body slide.
      Why you don't let P stand on the grass then B push the slider to redirect P like "Clover Castle"?
    • Ray Aznable
      @Sun Eagle
      im experimenting, make a simplier set up
      from clover castle but turn out harder to play :confused:
    • Sun Eagle
      @Ray Aznable It's very easy to fix. You just change the metal block where P stand to push the ball become grass block. Your mech still work like what you want.
    • Ray Aznable
      @Sun Eagle
      i have updated video for first part in first comment.
    • Ray Aznable
      if this method somehow
      disliked by many players,
      next level Im planning to apply this move again
      but with ur idea, so there will be many stop for R.
    • Rating:
      Liked the weird ending. Was not sure how the win would be secured. It was a surprise ( shock :eek::confused:). Thanks for sharing.
    • Ray Aznable
      thanks for P,C,R (corona test lol)
      its a toxic love, ended up suicidal.
      I have to set up a scene where R bot
      somehow jump from high and dissapear
      in hidden hole to make it look like die.
      I hope in next update, we could kill R bot too.
    • Sun Eagle
      @Ray Aznable I'm stop playing timing lv a long ago. Now I just enjoy relax and logical thinking lv. Sorry Bunga. I'll skip my rating this time.
    • Ray Aznable
      its ok,
      although we have many conversation in here,
      that also a big help for me...
    • Rating:
      Great level, and great story
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    Ray Aznable
    Jan 28, 2021
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