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Fendi, Dec 22, 2024
cimarronline and delator77 like this.
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      Nice, full of surprises! I could find them intuitively and by playing around. Really fun, because you don't see how you can get to the next part, and then it sort of just happens. I think I even managed to solve the level on first attempt, because the logic is robust.
      Fendi likes this.
    • ridgerunner
      @Block builder..not sure if i am missing something or it’s a device problem. It’s regarding the three balls on cylinder that lie closest to the winblock.
      are they meant to move when the ball that can go inwards or outwards goes outwards and rolls over the metal block with a fence on each side. Nothing happened the first three times i tried but it happened on my fourth attempt.
      Fendi likes this.
    • Rating:
      Fendi likes this.
    • Block builder
      Both a "yes" and a "no" answer might stear your thoughts in to the wrong direction. :confused: You are doing the "it" in "you're doing it wrong", but the word "wrong" is also important. All this will make sense once you have the solution. :rolleyes:
      Do the same, but with the higher ball.
    • delator77
      Hi guys! are tricks needed or is a pure logic level? :rolleyes:
      Fendi likes this.
    • Block builder
      @delator77 One B-trick (fun to find out) and otherwise R behaviours.
    • Rating:
      That was a struggle , not helped by fuzzy tapping. I knew that ball had to have some use.
      Fendi likes this.
    • Fendi

      You're right, I wanted to remove the hard part around that, but B probably wouldn't have a choice if he ended up falling on the ball, that's where I made the recovery.
    • Rating:
      Wow! that was a really nice level with your usual style... cool moves of P & B :cool: thanks @Fendi ;) great job!
    • Rating:
      Very interesting and tricky puzzle! I beat it almost entirely on accident after many attempts. I had no idea how to get upstairs and was trying to corale cylinder R into random places, and when the first major move happened I was surprised! It didn't look like anything would happen there so I didn't immediately try to move R there. I also found the other tricky move on accident, I looked away from my device, accidentally clicked in the right place, and R and B were stacked! After finding the right moves the level was very satisfying, and the ending was great.

      For my personal taste in levels, this is a 4 star level. It has a long R herding section intentionally designed to be longer than it needs to be. This made the level painful to play, because neither of the big moves were obvious, so you had to wait a long time after restarting before being able to try something new. Restart -> long R herd without much gameplay -> test a new move -> get softlocked -> reset is not a fun iteration pattern! Upstairs had a similar issue - I think I restarted a few times even when I could have won because it looked like I had tried everything. Also combined with the three hidden areas at the beginning, it was really unclear if you had to do something with the hidden doorways with R/B in a specific order. In the end it looks like only the first doorway has any use in the level. Even though my personal preference rating is 4 stars, it is a well designed level overall, so I give 5 stars.
    • Rating:
      Very surprising, mysterious and fun. And I found it surprisingly intuitive and forgiving! Even with trying some moves in different ways to see what worked, I played all the way through on my first try (which is unusual with your levels). Thanks!
    • Rating:
      Both the design and the perfect trick are top-notch.GREAT.
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