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Meko Guy

No Trick Trio 2

A no trick level

No Trick Trio 2
Meko Guy, Nov 14, 2024
delator77 and Baba like this.
    • Meko Guy
      - P is too tall to fit
      - since P is too tall, P leans backward
      - make P shorter
      - use short legs
      - with P on the lift closest to the stone pathway
      - raise lift so P's legs are short
    • Rating:
      Liked the logic. I presume i have the designed gameplay although in retrospect it would have been easier to capture the last star(on the grass) with pillarL rather than L. But i can not view the video. Started a few days ago saying i had to be signed in to view a video, but i am signed in. Eventually i saw the previous video but today i can not. Does anyone know how i can view the video
    • Meko Guy
      @ridgerunner - First, thanks for playing, rating and commenting. As for YouTube, I was having problems with it yesterday or the day before. They reported that I had to remove my ad blocker, otherwise I couldn't view any more videos.
    • delator77
      @ridgerunner @Meko Guy I have read your comments & click the video to check if it works and I can say that for me works...
    • ridgerunner
      @delator77 .. it is my ipad that is causing the problem as i was able to watch the video on my PC
    • ridgerunner
      @Meko Guy my gameplay was broadly similar to the video and as i guessed i picked the wrong bot for the last star making things awkward . early in the level i sent the Lbots through in a different order and probably had less freezing/unfreezing taking place. Also at 4:13 i swapped the Lbots lanes and the greater bending and squashing of pillarL moved the ball without any assistance from B
      Baba and Meko Guy like this.
    • Rating:
      see the video of taking the ball with the star, the gameplay in the video rotates L to LP, while I sent the LP at the start and got the first star with L, after that it was difficult to time the ball dropping and climbing the LP, it took several tries, at 3.35 minutes I froze the LP towards the elevator
    • Rating:
      Tough logic level... we have differences but I "caught" the essence of the gameplay... two remarkable differences...
      1- the ball with the star attached that you pushed using the three bots, I pushed using only PL & the fact that he bended with the zapper/pillar and... 2- I won with L
      thanks for this challenge & the fun @Meko Guy ;)
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    Meko Guy's Levels
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    Meko Guy
    Nov 14, 2024
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