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Mt. Ellipsis

Mt. Ellipsis
sawdust, Dec 13, 2016
Chuckthulhu, chemi and RBJ-ON like this.
    • Gepeto
      Wow... Such a great mechanism! But still have troubles with the pillar path :rolleyes:
      sawdust likes this.
    • sawdust
      @Gepeto Don't forget B hangs on better if you are using the draggable directly attached to the object on which he is standing. :)
    • Don G Rowe
      • A really ingenious design. Physics and movement quirks make for some minor annoyances, but I don't think there's much you can do about that.
        Love how you use multiple components of the cross-slider.
      sawdust likes this.
    • Rating:
      Awesome mechanism! The puzzle was easy enough, but seeing the mechanism in action and B moving so easily on it was great. It took several times but it was worth it. Great work!
      sawdust likes this.
    • Rating:
      Amazing mechanism and level, although I found the step on top of the cylinder very unstable. Thanks!
      sawdust likes this.
    • Rating:
      Haha you did it! Little unstable but I assume that as a challenge.
    • Rating:
      I don't know if i am bad at this game, cause i am unable to get past the rotator before the last one where i have to stand on a cylinder. No matter how slow i turn it B seems to fall off of it. :(:(:( Still it's amazing designed level. :p:p:p
      sawdust likes this.
    • Rating:
      Muslim Arizzy
      sawdust likes this.
    • Rating:
      Good mechanism,a bit unstable.
      sawdust likes this.
    • sawdust
      @DEVIL. Try using the draggable attached to column. B will hang on for dear life as long as you use that one!
    • Rating:
      TR O
      Wow! Amazing mechanism and design. It is great that it can move so smooth without a motor to help.
      sawdust likes this.
    • Rating:
      Interesting design with a difficult and unstable last step:confused:...after many and many and many attempts I did it...:p
    • sawdust
      @delator77 I'm really sorry it was unstable for you! I certainly never intended to have an unstable mechanism. My philosophy has always been, "If it doesn't work 10 times in a row, then it doesn't work at all."
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    Sawdust's Levels
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    Dec 13, 2016
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