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Motors Special

I think the first no slider level!!!! Hope you enjoy doing some monkey jumps and tricks!!!!!

Motors Special
Pds, Jul 22, 2018
delator77 likes this.
    • Rating:
      Difficult to rate as i have two solutions but neither feels like the designed one.
      Put B on P then use rotatable to push B onto wobbly draggable up to win
      Let B walk over static P and climb steps then drop onto longest straight rotatable and cross over to wobbly draggable
      Pds likes this.
    • gmacpro
      I found a shortcut as I missed a lot of the level - my shortcut is similar to @ridgerunner
      Release one P and when P stops, rotate the rotor to bump the motor off the stairs mechanism. Let P walk away and bump B into the corner where P was. Release the 2nd P, when P hits B, rotate the rotor to push B up on the stair mechanism. Take the long vertical rotor and lower to hold the stair mechanism straight. Raise stair mechanism with B to the win.
      Pds likes this.
    • Pds
      @gmacpro it is the real walkway actually
    • gmacpro
      @Pds - So the rest of the rotors and things were red herrings?
    • Rating:
      I liked the free floating lift idea but wasn't sure why you had so many red herrings. Thanks
      Pds likes this.
    • Rating:
      Strange,very strange level...Thanks for sharing @Pds :)
      Pds likes this.
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