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Mini Tower II

"OK this is so tiny Imma finish it in a minute!"

Mini Tower II
richardfu_, Dec 22, 2016
    • Rating:
      Such tricky. Much mini. So scare. Wow
    • richardfu_
    • Rating:
      Oh yes, it can.

      Whew! I can't believe I finished it. Very tricky, with 3 tricks packed in a tight space. Hint: The tricks used have some similarities.
    • Rating:
      This time it is really tricky and difficult... :eek: but it is amazing how original it is in such small space. Thanks!
    • alfajim
      This is so hard, yet it is packed beautifully in such a small area. Havent finished it yet :')
    • Rating:
      We really should categorize these kind of level. So tricky, so challenging but so rewarding! Wonderfull!
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      4 tricks, if you count the wedge :eek:

      Getting on top is really tricky and requires good timing.
    • Rating:
      Extreme timing required
      :confused: Not my favorite type of game but well designed.
      richardfu_ and cpw like this.
    • cpw
      @vince I bet he probably won't use these tricks in future bigger levels. :rolleyes:
      vince likes this.
    • MaGoGo
      I know what are the firs 2 tricks-moves and the last one. However I don't know how to get to the stairs (3rd trick-move). Any hints on this?
    • Frenzies
      I don't really understand. Pushing B against the upper wedge isn't really a trick. Anyway, you have to click the stone block near the stairs while in mid air.
    • richardfu_
      Stand on either block of the moving platform(the way to do it would be slightly different). When the platform rises to the accessible stone block, tap on it. B's legs will be extended due to the rising platform. Then immediately tap on the higher block (before the stairs) and B should walk onto it.
    • MaGoGo
      Thanks for your help guys.

      I was actually trying exactly what you said in the last spoilers with no luck. However now I tried zooming in quite a lot and I was able to position B on the block next to the stairs. I think this has been the most frustrating level I have ever played, I am glad I finally finished it!
      cpw likes this.
    • Rating:
      very sneaky level! no longer "hard" because the tricks are well known now but awesome
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    richardfu season 3
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    Dec 22, 2016
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