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Mini Mini Maze II

It has something special...

Mini Mini Maze II
meko, Dec 1, 2016
    • Rating:
      The first level to use metal stairs! The combination of the metal chunks and the desert effect gave it a very dry effect, and the puzzle was interesting. It took me some time to figure it out!
    • Rating:
      Nice logic level, thanks!
      ...have to use half movements instead of complete ones to find the correct spaces.

      EDIT by Meko:

      There are some hints:
      This level is without exploits or trick,find a "logic" way
      The stair block is 50% a block and 50% an half block
      This is the solution:
      meko likes this.
    • Rating:
      Very nice!
    • Rating:
      That's a real amazing level full of promises about the use of metal stairs!
      That's not really fair for those who don't has the app to achieve that... :rolleyes:
      nGord and Frenzies like this.
    • chemi
      Is there any difference between metal and rock stairs from a bahaviour point of view? I didn't notice any difference except the look & feel...
    • Gepeto
      @chemi -
      ... and the ability to move them, which is a huge difference ;)
      Sculron and chemi like this.
    • chemi
      Ah! Good point @Gepeto, that is true. You can make stairs draggable. Totally right. Thanks!
    • meko
      To build the level was really difficult,I found many shortcuts and I had to make 7-8 screenshoots,because a metal stairs can be changed in brown stairs,but I can't export the "different" screenshoot in the creator mode. I solved the level with immagination
      Skitmo and chemi like this.
    • meko
      @Gepeto Ah,and I forgot to mention you!
      Thank you for your fantastic work.
    • meko
      @chemi Like my first Mini mini maze:D
    • meko
      @Gepeto And did I respect your promises?
    • Rating:
      Muslim Arizzy
      Excellent.. Very interesting.. Thanks
    • Gepeto
      @meko No but it's fine. :) It's creating a little pressure on me to workout on a public stuff but it's fine :p I would really like that everyone could have the same chance to do the same things. I loved to see with your level the potential it could draws everyone's imagination.
    • Rating:
      New breakthrough
    • Rating:
      Great puzzle! It has a very classic feel, despite using the new block.
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    Dec 1, 2016
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