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Make a Wish

Organize the audience to watch the flying lanterns together~

Make a Wish
935, Jul 8, 2021
MomoKeego, Sammy 5, Helena and 5 others like this.
    • 935
      In theory, you can pass the level with 7 clicks. But it takes a long time to wait for the entire audience to be in place. When everyone is ready, you can make a wish and let the sky lantern fly off.

      I discovered the new lifting structurehttps://mekoramaforum.com/media/qqq.23751/,
      but both the elevator and the sky lantern are the works of @XSHY .

      Low ceiling & autoautopilot is needed.
    • cimarronline
      Fantastic ending! (And surprising use for R.) But the star didn't trigger for me...
    • Labyrenight
      @935 Thanks for the discovery. I'm also working on a level with a similar structure. I was surprised when @XSHY gave me a demo.
    • 935
    • 935
    • Rating:
      The second time it triggered the win for me. I think I forgot to make a wish the first time...
      MekaSage likes this.
    • Rating:
      This is mind bending!
    • Rating:
      Like the R-lift and the sky lantern even spins while it flies up. Wow.
    • ridgerunner
      The finish was worth waiting for and i guessed wrong. Reminded me of the Tardis spinning away in the start of a Dr Who episode
    • Rating:
      Simply WOW!! Thanks for sharing @935 ;)
    • Denis Nazin
      I really really want to play! I want to see the ending - about which they write here. BUT! I can't read the card:(! And "Mekorama Customizer" freezes and cannot optimize the map!:cry:.
      I've tried several times but can't seem to do anything. How other participants play and open this card - I do not understand.
    • mastersifu
      935 likes this.
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      Thank you very much! This card works. How did you do that? Thank you!

      Fantastic! A very romantic level. Amazing elevator !! Amazing flying lantern !! There are a lot of spectators! You love crowd scenes. The elevator sometimes gets stuck when it should fly down. Because of this, you will have to restart the level. But in general, the impression of the fantastic level has not changed because of this. I really liked it !! I don’t understand how the victory in flight is obtained ??
      Super. Of course 5 !!
    • 935
      @Denis Nazin
      The elevator structure has a relatively high probability of stalling when starting and falling. The lag when falling can be improved by the structure, but the level will be a lot uglier in this way...so I suggest letting B to rub it when the elevator is stuck.

      The question of why the end point is triggered, I guess only @XSHY can understand it. In fact, why it is not triggered at the beginning is the magic...
    • Rating:
      Unique R-lift and flying box.
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