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The weather looks good for the launch. Now if astronaut B can just remember the access code to the base...

cimarronline, Jun 1, 2019
MomoKeego, BLR, Mekob_123 and 5 others like this.
    • cimarronline
      Reposted after improving base security. Thanks to @gmacpro and @GFJ for making me aware of the flaw (which allowed entering by a method other than intended).

      The new security device resists repeated guesses. If you enter the code and the door doesn't drop open within about ten seconds, you need to restart the level. Guessing the code is not necessary (if you can figure out the hint).

      While the scientists bump heads over the last few details, B takes one last look around before suiting up to leave earth. After all, there's no guarantee that he will return.

      Thanks to my five-year-old son for the idea for this level (and a lot of design advice). Thanks also to @vince for the idea for the hint.
    • GFJ
      Despite the hints, I cannot get B started.
    • cimarronline
      @GFJ Try looking at it from different angles...
    • Meko Guy
      I'm with @GFJ - I can't get started?
    • Meko Guy
      I took a look with Mekostudio and COME ON. One would need to be extremely lucky in order to get the ball to fall. I had removed one side and still didn't get it so I had enough.
    • Rating:
      I managed to get B out several times but I still do not precisely know how I did it. Anyway, the rest of the journey was not too difficult and P had a successful lift-off.
    • cimarronline
      Thanks for trying, @Meko Guy. If you put the code in correctly, it works every time. At least I haven't seen it fail yet. (And the code is provided in the puzzle.)
      Meko Guy likes this.
    • Rating:
      Meko Guy
      @cimarronline - Thanks for hint. The little birdie was right and I got the code on the 2nd attempt albeit it wasn't a give away. The rest was a little under whelming but it all worked even though P didn't get launched, the level was won. Thanks for sharing but I'm not really liking this can't see what's going on level.
    • cimarronline
      @Meko Guy
      The idea with "B" disappearing into the second building is that he's suiting up for space. He then comes out with his helmet on.
      Yes, you can launch with or without him. I guess that depends on whether he chickens out...
    • Meko Guy
      The opening had a hidden element and the B swap was hidden. The swap was expected as there was nothing else to do, so send and see what happens. Combination type levels (your opening without the ball - like your previous card) were fun for a while for me but with thousands of other cards available here, I'd rather learn more about the game play than how good you can hide stuff or what you can hide. As @Don G Rowe said yesterday, hidden is for some but not all. :)
    • Rating:
      I did it with one hint(the code hint:confused:)...jajaja,nice perspective...The rest was really fun with pleasant design...Thanks for sharing @cimarronline ;)
    • Rating:
      Nice level with impressive ending ! I quickly figured out the code, but it's surprisingly quite hard for most players :confused:
    • Rating:
      Meko Boy
      Nice level :)
    • EL797
      The stone pillars are the codes?
    • cimarronline
      BLR likes this.
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