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Meko Guy

Lean on B

A no trick level. One behaviour is used

Lean on B
Meko Guy, Nov 10, 2024
delator77 likes this.
    • Meko Guy
      - R or L can not walk onto a stair leading from another stair if the 2nd stair has nothing under
    • Rating:
      really fun :) seeing the selection of balls, and finding their direction, liked the stacking of P for the last star, the behavior of R and L, the way L jumped off the stairs, thank you, just slightly disliked the bottom area
    • Rating:
      Excellent misdirection in this level and although i spotted the squinty stack finish i spent a long time working out how to get L in position before i finally released L because i couldn’t think of anything else to try, and pleasantly surprised by the resulting stumble at 4:38
    • Meko Guy
      @ridgerunner - I'm glad you liked it and I'm surprised you spotted the finish as it is so obscure. Thanks for P, C and R.
    • Rating:
      Excellent logic challenge... & you know due to our private chat that my way was even more challenging... aaarrgghh, I did not pay atention to the "behaviour" & then my gameplay had to change... & I did it... the curious thing is that this level is much more difficult than "Release to Catch" but surprisingly I figured it out more, more easily... weird but sometimes happens, right? uuhhmmm, maybe the number of bots confused me too much :rotf::rolleyes:... but I am really proud of me to be able to find an alternative logic solution :sneaky:... thanks @Meko Guy ;) great job!
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    Meko Guy's Levels
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    Nov 10, 2024
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