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Laputa (revised)

B fell in the ancient castle in the sky

Laputa (revised)
TR O, May 10, 2017
delator77 and chemi like this.
    • TR O
      Thanks for the honest feedback and effort from the players devoting to the previous version, especially @ridgerunner about the back slider mechanical issue:unsure:. This level is not meant to be troublesome. The issue should be fixed in this revised version. If anyone who have not completed it before, hope you will attempt again to reach the climax of the level. Please leave a comments if you encounter any other problem. Thank you.:thumbsup:
      chemi and cpw like this.
    • Rating:
      Much more consistent now. Great architecture and mechanism, it's good to see how you managed to blend the gameplay into the castle without being limited by or affecting the structure. :thumbsup:
      Skitmo and TR O like this.
    • Rating:
      Thanks for the revision, gave me the incentive to try again and got by the crux first time, with the slider always working smoothly. I am amazed one of the two balls doesnt fly off somewhere with all the jostling.
      TR O likes this.
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      Great level combining architecture and gameplay. I really like that airplane. :D
      TR O likes this.
    • ridgerunner
      It was great to finish this complex level but although i figured out most of the gameplay correctly , i am not convinced i finished the final section as intended.
      B "flew" directly from robot arm to winblock.
    • TR O
      :eek:Not sure how you did it from that angle. So your B didn't need to use the roof top draggbles?
    • ridgerunner
      @TR O ,,so i have missed something then!
      i placed B on tip of arm held vertically,robot in highest position, and swiped him with middle draggable straight onto winblock first time. To be honest i was surprised as i thought i might have moved B onto third dragglable that i had lined up. I will try to work out designed gameplay again.
      TR O likes this.
    • kayody09
      I have gotten all the balls into the (I think) intended spot, under the robot, but I can't figure out how to reach the upper level
      TR O likes this.
    • TR O
      @ridgerunner You're right. I tried your way and surprisingly landed so safely. This move is actually quite cool so I guess it may consider as alternative end=P.
      The robot arm is attached to the motor's surface so it behave the same of B jump on motor. Then the other solution might appear after that.
    • TR O
      Each time 1 ball is given to the robot, normally the robot will have a little respond after few seconds( this is a little design for showing the mechanism is activated). Then you may able to move the robot to see what is the effect for 1 ball and see how many ball(s) do the robot need and the purpose of other ball(s). Thanks for playing btw :)
    • Skitmo
      Hi @TR O I can't reach the shoulder of the robot in order to be in the upper stage
      is there any trick in the stairs to get the other stairs? If so, how can I do it?
      Thank you
    • TR O
      @kayody09 @Skitmo Mmm... not sure how to give this hints to you guys without revealing the solution=P. Maybe I'd say :The tools that can help B to reach upper platform already is around, no spare.
    • Rating:
      Yes! Finally solved. ;)
      Great logic level, I really enjoyed it. Thanks!
      By the way, not sure if I solved totally correct top floor as I didn't use the first rotor but... who cares? :p
    • chemi
      you need the four balls: two in a specific way and the other two in a different way... ;)
    • Rating:
      Buff, this level was hard, especially the purpose of the 4 balls:confused: ... really challenging and intelligent :sneaky:... what a satisfaction when everything has fit:D! Like @chemi ,I have not used the first rotor from the top floor either, but I would bet it is a herring net:p, I can not understand its function !! Definitely a spectacular level!! Excellent job and thanks for sharing @TR O ;)
      TR O likes this.
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