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Ray Aznable


Ray Aznable, Aug 19, 2022
EL797, Adiorama, Neil Kuo and 3 others like this.
    • Rating:
      Blue Tower
      The last move wasn't much of a problem to me - I already mastered things like that but the real problem was the move after the SBS/SSS. It was very tedious and frustrating (B kept missing the star, landed somewhere else, and even pushing R). Also, R kept falling off of B as if there was an invisible walk-able floor. Otherwise these are some very cool moves, thanks @Ray Aznable :thumbsup:
    • Ray Aznable
      thanks for played then rated my level.
      I wanna say hello to you,
      its first time I see you in forum.

      if I may recommend to you,
      try play the second card in first comment,
      i share a card that is started directly at the end.
      so u can try training that jump.

      @Blue Tower
      thanks for played and rated my level.

      btw, if I may ask,
      which part you were troubled after SBS / SSS,
      was it when you walk B while R ontop of B
      to grab star?
      or was it the last move,
      your B failed to grab final star bcz of fall to water?
      if I may share video from @Denis Nazin
      in there you will not find SSS is required
      only SBS which is at only final move.
    • Blue Tower
      @Ray Aznable You can do an SSS to get near the metal draggable. Sometimes B won't get on top of R when he flies to R and ends up on different places.
    • Ray Aznable
      @Blue Tower
      oh you mean the first move.
      u just need to press restart
      when B failed to grab first star
      and fail to land on R's head.
      no need to do SSS onto metal dragable.

      and about R fall from B head,
      after you do hercules push,
      u need to be quick move B
      so R won't initiate to walk back to stone stair.
    • Ray Aznable
      @Blue Tower
      I should have USE double stair set up
      to make R lift up it's bu-tt
      then B perform autopilot
      to bump R's bu-tt then bring it to B's head.
      so players will not experience what you felt,
      tight timing that causes R fall from B head.
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    Aug 19, 2022
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