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Interceptor v2

The Rebellion has learnt that a TIE Interceptor is refilling his energy in a nearby Empire station. This is a unique chance to steal this deadly fighter. You need to disconnect the energy source first. But the guard is watching, and a strange mechanism is required to get on the fighter...

Interceptor v2
vince, Nov 30, 2016
MomoKeego, Helena, MekaSage and 5 others like this.
    • vince
      Second upload because of a minor bug.
      Look closely in the level for the right combination
      The final mechanism is inspired by @richardfu_ idea
      about extreme sticky block in the forum. This is now quite stable if you jump high enough.
      Get on the rotating arm. Jump using the slider. When B is at the desired hight, turn the rotating arm to land on the TIE fighter cockpit.
    • Rating:
      Would give 5 stars for the art alone :D The initial visual cue was a little sneaky, but easily noticeable once I recalled the style of your previous levels. Nice twist on the last trick as well -- Now the Jumpy mechanism offers more than just jumping. :rolleyes:
      vince likes this.
    • Rating:
      Finally solved, I suffered a lot solving the first step. The visual design was great, and the level itself was really nice although, last step was little bit buggy? But in summary a great level. Thanks!
      vince likes this.
    • vince
      Is this level too difficult ?
    • chemi
      Well, let's say it is not easy. B stuck in a corner, bomb falling in 5 seconds,... I suspect people move to other level after some retries because it seems unsolveable. Perhaps you can add a tip...
      vince likes this.
    • vince
      @chemi Thanks for the advice :)
      Look closely in the level for the right combination
      The main purpose of the bomb is to avoid brute force solving :p
      [Thanks @chemi, edited hint]
    • chemi
      Wop! Too direct, isn't it? What do you think about something like:
      The tip is in the level itself, take a look carefully...
      vince likes this.
    • Frenzies
      @vince And to think I passed it with brute force :rolleyes:. I just kept trying combinatioms until one worked, screenshot it, retried, then put it. But 10 seconds after that, I saw the clue.
      cpw and vince like this.
    • Rating:
      Spectacular action level! The design and architecture alone were mindblowing, and the gameplay was action-packed.

      The bomb and code were awesome! They really gave a feel of infiltration and danger, although I found it hard to pass at first. The sliding zapper was a little annoying, but that didn't take away the awesomeness of the rest of the level.

      The ending was just... wow. I actually thought of the effect as the Force, so it was very fitting to add it in a Star Wars themed level. And of course, the TIE fighter was amazing. So once again, spectacular level. Thanks!
      vince likes this.
    • vince
      @Frenzies Thanks for your review! To avoid completely brute force, I could have hidden the door... I like visual clues a lot (feels like being Sherlock :D) but they are difficult to design: it is either too easy or too difficult :confused:
      Frenzies likes this.
    • cpw
      @vince I agree with Chemi -- many probably just gave up at the beginning since there's seemingly no way to escape (I guess it's also the reason why you guys chose to use the boogie bot bug in my Catch Me II :rolleyes:). The latter tricks are straightforward enough anyway. I guess sometimes it's just not easy to make a level that won't scare people away immediately :oops:
      vince likes this.
    • vince
      @cpw True :D And if people are stuck right at the begining, they don't feel like asking for help as they are so far from the goal. The solution may be to keep puzzling stuff for the end of the level, or adding easy steps at the begining.
      cpw likes this.
    • delator77
      Buffff,I cant with tis level!!!I readed all your advices but I am already stucked in the first step...It is very frustating:(
      vince likes this.
    • vince
      @delator77 Glad you asked :)
      The right combination is shown somewhere in the level
      Look carefully under the fighter
      Look carefully at the half-pillars positions under the fighter
      Do not hesitate to ask again if it is not clear !
    • delator77
      @vince thanks!!I supposed that but I do something wrong because I cant pass it:mad: jajajaja....I'll try again...I can't believe it(sorry if my english is not good)
      vince likes this.
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