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Hulu Hilir

Hulu Hilir
DDD, Dec 17, 2018
    • DDD
    • gmacpro
      Still working my way thru this one but it's complex as you have so many bots and moving mechanisms that change what you see. Some hidden elements too.
    • Rating:
      Well, I was right - very complex and sneaky. I did like 95% of the level but the P release with the ball was very disappointing. Since you have no idea how long it will take (P needs to turn after the ball gets there), it's a shot in the dark and I missed it by about 1 second and needed a restart so close to the end :(. Because I spend so much time getting to that point, I did restart as I wanted to rate. :thumbsup: Thanks for sharing
    • Rating:
      Really liked this complex level. As there are so many permutations, i think i need to state how i won. Won with R. Initially slected the correct R for a certain place then changed my mind then changed back. Same up top. Initially thought B would win then decided it was R.
      I had no problems with timings after ball released P so i think @gmacpro and i using different gameplay . Really liked the build up to the finish when I thought B would be required, but a very nice bonus to discover he isn’t, though i had spotted a nice means of getting B there if needed.
    • gmacpro
      @ridgerunner - This is how I did it. The video isn't perfect. The move at 3:32 (the slide), on my 1st attempt, I waited until R was off P and on the stairs but R came back just soon enough and fell as P walked away.
    • ridgerunner
      @gmacpro .. my win was very similar apart from missing one push move
    • gmacpro
      @ridgerunner - You cheated :rotf:. Only one trick was allowed and you used 2. Just kidding. I didn't think of freezing R while the ball released P and therefore I wouldn't have had the issue. Very good indeed. Thanks for sharing the video.
    • DDD
      gmacpro likes this.
    • Rating:
      Buff really complex level...great logic behind,excellent challenge:sneaky:Very satisfactory to solve it...Thanks for sharing @DDD ;)
    • DDD
    • Rating:
      One of the hardest leveli ever played bcz its su66 a headache and the player confuses between the 4 bots :p overall i enjoyed:thumbsup:
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